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IEEE Sweden Section 2022 Q4 Newsletter
Dear IEEE Member,
In this NL, we present the latest activities from IEEE Sweden Section and its affiliated chapters. Among the others, you find an announcement of IEEE Senior Membership campaign and a call for the establishment of Life Membership Affinity Group in Sweden, and latest news from Photonics Society chapter, Reliability Society chapter, and student activities.
Dr. Qinghua Wang, Information Officer and Newsletter Editor
Dear IEEE Sweden Member,
Another challenging year passed by, and IEEE Sweden Section continues to serve the best for its members. We had a few ExCom members coming and going, but the core team remains strong. Now, there are elections ongoing for 2023, and all eligible section members are welcome to vote and suggest new candidates. Especially, industry relations and newsletter editor volunteers are wanted.
We are proud to gain four new IEEE fellows to the Section: Dimos Dimarogonas (KTH), Oscar Quevedo-Teruel (KTH), Henrik Sandberg (KTH), Magnus Karlsson (Chalmers). Best congratulations!
Our Section has a strong potential to form a Lifetime Members Affinity Group, as there are many IEEE seniors near the retirement age, but still active. We need a volunteer to drive it forward.
We haven’t spent all budget in 2022 and hence can allocate more to student engagement, Women in Engineering and most active Chapters. The Annual General Meeting is preliminary scheduled in a hybrid format (Linköping-online) for March 16th.
Prof. Andrei Gurtov, IEEE Sweden Section Chair