Power & Energy (PE) and Power Electronics (PEL) Chapter
About us:
Welcome to the joint IEEE Chapter of Power & Energy and Power Electronics. Our ambition is to provide support to all IEEE PE/PEL members in Sweden, by interesting seminars, webinars, membership development support, and other useful tools and information for your academic or industry work life.
Recent News:
We are pleased to announce the award for Best Master Thesis of 2023 to Klas Lindgren, KTH for the M.Sc. thesis: “Dynamic Control, Modeling and Sizing of Hybrid Power Plants Investigating the optimum usage of energy storage for Fortum’s hydropower“
Upcoming Events:
Sept. 23rd, 2024: IEEE Technical Seminar on “Energy Storage and Grid-Forming Control in Future Power Grids” and IEEE Senior Membership Elevation Event. (Registration link)
Selected Past Events:
Sep. 4th, 2024: IEEE Seminar on “Key Research Aspects of Green Hydrogen Production” by Prof Antti Kosonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Jun. 18th, 2024: IEEE Distinguished Lecture on “Control and Protection of Multi-Terminal DC Grids” by Prof Maryam Saeedifard, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Feb. 21st, 2024: Annual Meeting, IEEE PES/PELS Chapter, Sweden. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alireza Nami, Research Centre Manager, Hitachi Energy
Sep. 29th, 2023: IEEE Seminar on Future energy system with focus on grids in distribution and wind power by Dr. Fredrik Carlsson, R&D portfolio manager, Distribution, Vattenfall and Viktorija Dudjak, Senior R&D Engineer, Vattenfall.
The event explored the importance of diversity in the energy transition by bringing speakers with different backgrounds and experience together to share their journey and learnings. Agenda and presentations:
- Welcome and introduction to IEEE PES/PELS Sweden by Dr. Qianwen Xu, Vice Chair
- Introduction to IEEE Women in Power Sweden by Dr. Marina Oluic, Chair
- Keynote speech by Sonja Berlijn, Business Development Manager at DNV, and professor at KTH
- Keynote speech by Ambra Sannino, Vice President R&D at Vattenfall, and Chair of IEEE PES/PELS, Sweden
Mar. 16th, 2023: Annual Meeting, IEEE PES/PELS Chapter, Sweden. Keynote Speaker: Prof. Xiongfei Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, “Powering the Future: Grid-Forming Converter Technology and Implementation“
Jan. 27th, 2023: WBG Power Center Seminar on “Efficiently Paralleling GaN-Transistors for High-Current and High-Frequency Applications Using a Butterfly Layout” by Dr. Martin Wattenberg, Infineon Technologies.
Nov. 18th, 2022: IEEE Seminar on “Integration of Distributed Energy Resources & Electric Transportation in Distribution Systems” by Dr. Julio Romero Agüero, Vice President, Strategy & Business Innovation at Quanta Technology.
Mar. 28th, 2022: Annual Meeting IEEE PES/PELS Sweden Chapter, including Keynote Speech “Fundamentals of HVDC LCC and Chile´s Kimal Lo Aguirre HVDC project” by Dr. Gabriel Olguin.
Dec. 9th, 2021: IEEE on-line seminar “Integration of Inverter-Based Resources, an example of ERCOT” by Dr. Julia Matevosyan.
Nov. 4th, 2021: IEEE Seminar on “High Power Density Converter Designs – New Circuit Topologies, Control Techniques, and Packaging to Achieve Extreme Size Reductions in Applications Ranging from Datacenter Power Delivery to Electric Aircrafts.” by Professor Robert Pilawa-Podgurski, UC Berkeley.
Sep. 23rd, 2021: IEEE Seminar on “Electrical vehicles for sustainable developments with a European perspective”, by Professor Lina Bertling Tjernberg.
May 26th, 2021: IEEE Seminar on “Microgrids: Swedish and International Perspectives” by invited experts from academia and industry.
Apr. 23rd, 2021: IEEE Lunch Webinar: “The role of inertia and fast frequency control in the Nordic power system” by Dr. Robert Eriksson, Svenska kraftnät.
For more information about upcoming or past events please see events posted at http://r8.ieee.org/sweden/events/.
The current board of the PE/PEL Chapter
Chair: Ambra Sannino, ambra.sannino@ieee.org
Vice-chair: Qianwen Xu, qianwenx@kth.se
Treasurer: Sara Rönnberg, sarah.ronnberg@ltu.se
Secretary: Fran Marquez, fran.marquez@iea.lth.se,
Membership development: Johanna Rosenlind, johanna.rosenlind@foi.se
Webmaster: Daniel Johannesson, daniel.johannesson@hitachienergy.com
Student Representative: Ali El Mohajer, aliem@kth.se
IEEE Power & Energy (PE) and Power Electronics (PEL) joint Chapter, Sweden
Last update: 2024-09-11