EMC – ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
Welcome to the Swedish Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society!
The chapter was established in 1990. We arrange and support technical meetings, workshops, and conferences on the topic of Electromagnetic Compatibility. The EMC chapter shall be an enabler for sharing knowledge and ideas between the members, and giving the members the possibility to visit interesting EMC related places.
Documentation from our meetings:
Get in contact with us!
For more information about our chapter and our activities, please send us an e-mail to lennart.hasselgren@volvocars.com
Chair: Lennart Hasselgren
lennart.hasselgren@volvocars.com +46 723 946 485
Vice chairman: Fredrik Harrysson
fredrik.harrysson@ieee.org +46 703 136 963
Secretary : Johan Gran
johan.gran@bme.lth.se +46 708 393 291
Election committee (valberedning):
- Sandra Deimer
sandra@physicsvisions.com +46 703 212 231 - Rickard Elf
rickard@proxitron.se +46 141 209 653

The board, from left Johan Gran, Fredrik Harrysson and Lennart Hasselgren. Johan Gran is working as a lecturer at Lund University/LTH teaching electrical measurements and EMC at various engineering programmes, Fredrik Harrysson is the unit manager for a research unit at RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) on EMC and wireless communication and Lennart Hasselgren has worked several years in EMC consultancy and is now EMC requirements manager at Volvo Cars. He is also a member of ISO/TC22/SC32/WG3 and CISPR D WG1 + WG2 (if you do not know these abbreviations, you are welcome to contact Lennart at the e-mail above for an explanation).