Nasim Farahini – the MGA Achievement Award 2016


IEEE Sweden WIE Chairperson and Student Branch Co-ordinator Nasim Farahini has been selected as the Recipient of the very prestigious MGA Achievement Award 2016:

For her outstanding contributions in promoting student activities, and for establishing and reinforcing the network of women engineers in the IEEE Sweden Section.

The award includes a plaque with the above citation and an award cheque of US$250. Nasim’s contributions to the Sweden Section include activities related to students branches, Young Professional and specially WIE. She has been instrumental in getting student branches re-vitalized and keeping the WIE activities going on for years.

The award page on the IEEE portal reads as: This award is to recognize individuals, or a team, involved with Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) and its organizational units for singular achievement in the development and completion of a project(s), or activity(ies), directed to the fulfilment of one or more of the MGA goals. This award is designed to recognize those substantive projects or achievements of a relatively short nature (one to three years), but that have left an undeniable imprint on the fabric of regional operations.

The accomplishments of the candidate should be of “significant performance” and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE. The focus should be on volunteering for IEEE, MGA, or its organizational units, not on professional achievement. More about the award can be read

We wish Nasim a very good luck in all her future endeavours!

Samarth Deo, Sweden Section Secretary

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