IEEE Chalmers Student Branch Revived
As some of you know, the key initiator of the IEEE Sweden Section and the first Chair was the IEEE Fellow Torkel Wallmark (1919 – 2007), Professor in solid state physical electronics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. The first Student Branch in Sweden was at Chalmers in 1966.
(For more details, please download and read the document “IEEE R8 Sweden 50 yr summary – 2015 Dec 31.pdf” at, Tab “Document Archive”)
After laying dormant for several years, a new group of students have taken initiative into revitalizing the Chalmers SB. The new era of student branch activity was kick-started with a revitalization event on Nov 1, initated by Andreas Nylander and Josef Hansson at Chalmers. The aim was to show the benefit of membership and activity in IEEE for master and Ph.D. student across Chalmers. The event had two speakers, out of which the first was IEEE Sweden Chair Mats Edvinsson with a presentation about the history, goal and activities of the IEEE organization. After that, a second speaker in the form of NEVS Lead Engineer of Active Safety Software & Controls, Mustafa Ali Arat, who talked about the work at NEVS on Advanced Drivers Assistance Systems, and the future towards automated vehicles.
The event was well appreciated among students, and successful in raising interest in the Chalmers SB. Moving forward, there is now a strong base for further events, which are currently planned at a rate of four events per year in an initial stage.