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Hiroshi Iwai Distinguished Lecture on 18th February 2022

The EDS Germany Chapter and NanoP proudly presents Prof. Hiroshi Iwai Vice Dean and Distinguished Professor from ICST. NYCU, Taiwan for a Distinguished Lecture on “Impact and Future of Nanoelectronics”. The lecture will be held on 18th February 2022 at 10am Berlin time. Interest participants …

PERSEPHONe: harnessing perovskites for integrated photonics

AMO GmbH is partner of the newly started training programme for young researchers PERSEPHONe (PERovskiteSEmiconductors for PHOtoNics). Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Programme with a budget of 3.75 million Euros, PERSEPHONe has the double aim of developing the technological basis of a novel photonic platform …