Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Fecht
University & Institute:
Ulm University, Institute of Functional Nanosystems
Dr. Hans J. Fecht is chaired professor and director of the Institute of Functional Nanosystems in the Faculty of Engineering, Computer Sciences and Psychology at Ulm University, Ulm, Germany.
He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany.
After working several years as post-doctoral research fellow/senior associate in the U.S. (University of Wisconsin–Madison and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena) he returned to Germany in 1990 to hold professorships at the University of Augsburg (C-3 1990-1993), Technical University Berlin (chair metal physics 1993-1997) and Ulm University (Materials chair since 1997). Between 2001 and 2012 he additionally held a position as senior scientist at INT-KIT.
He also holds Adjunct Professor Positions in China, India and Japan and is member of the European Academy of Sciences in Salzburg and Brussels and fellow of the Max Kade Foundation New York, USA. Altogether, he directs a research group of about 45 academic and technical employees and MSc/PhD students.
He has (co)authored more than 500 publications, most of them in internationally leading journals and managed a number of national, European and International large scale research projects.
Volunteer Position within EDS:
Satellite, Expert in Materials Science and Engineering
Google Scholar:
Micro- and Nanomaterials, Nanotechnology, Space Research
Research Interests:
Non-crystalline and Nanocrystalline materials, Non-conventional semiconductors, Interface Engineering, Nanoengineering
(Public) Research Labs:
Microelectronic Technology Center
■ E-Beam Lithography (Leica EBPG 5 HR)
■ Maskaligner (Süss MJB3, Süss MJB4)
■ Barreletch
■ ECR (Oxford 80)
■ ICP (Oxford 100)
Vapour Deposition
■ Temescal FC 1800
■ Balzers PLS 570
■ Perkin Elmer 2400
■ Baltec SCD 050
■ Ellipsometer (Gärtner)
■ Surface Profilometer (Tencor, Bruker)
■ Optical Microscopes
■ Confocal Microscope (Keyence)
■ SEM (Hitachi)
■ XRD (Siemens HXRD D5000, Bruker)
Institute of Functional Nanosystems
Material Synthesis
■ Diamond HF-CVD (Cemecon 800)
■ Sputtering (Lesker)
■ E-Beam Evaporator (Balzers)
■ Ball-Mills (Spex, Fritsch, Zoz)
Metallography Lab
■ Grinding-, and Polishing equipment
■ Tube furnaces (< 1200°C), Rapid Quenching, EM Levitation
■ RTA (< 1000°C)
■ SEM incl. EDX, EBSD (Zeiss Leo 1550FE),
■ XRD (Siemens D5005, Philips X-Pert MPC, Panalytical X-Pert Pro incl. heating chamber)
■ AFM (FRT, Nanoscope)
■ SAM Acoustic Microscope
■ Photoluminescence Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3
■ Vibration magnetometer VMS (Lakeshore 735)
■ Kerr-Microscope
■ Moke-Magnetometer
■ Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC Perkin Elmer, Netzsch)
■ Nanoindenter XP, Picoindenter
■ Thin Film Stress, also for elevated temperatures (Tencor)
■ Rheometer (Malvern)

Dr.-Ing. Markus Mohr
University & Institute:
Ulm University, Institute of Functional Nanosystems
Dr.-Ing. Markus Mohr is Post-Doc at the Institute of Functional Nanosystems in the faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Psychology at Ulm University, Ulm, Germany.
He received his Dipl.-Ing. (in 2011) and Dr.-Ing. (in 2017) degree in electrical engineering from the Ulm University, Ulm, Germany.
His Ph.D. work was focused on the growth of nanocrystalline diamond films, as well as the characterization of their mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. His current research activities includes electronic actuators and sensors made of nanocrystalline diamond films and their reliable integration into a hybride diamond-silicon MEMS technology.
Volunteer Position within EDS:
Expert in Materials Science and Engineering
Google Scholar:
Micro- and Nanomaterials, Space Research
Research Interests:
Nanocrystalline materials, Nanocrystalline diamond, Carbon Materials, Non-conventional semiconductors, Hybride Diamond-Silicon Technology, MEMS