The Basics and Future of Synaptic Devices and Artificial Neurons for Neuromorphic Electronics

On November 21st, a thought-provoking lecture titled “The Basics and Future of Synaptic Devices and Artificial Neurons for Neuromorphic Electronics” was delivered by Prof. Benjamin, IEEE Fellow, from the University Rovira i Virgili. The event, hosted by Prof. Mike Schwarz and Prof. Alexander Kloes from the Competence Center for Nanotechnology and Photonics (NanoP) at THM – University of Applied Sciences, Germany, attracted a diverse group of 20 attendees, including researchers and students eager to explore the exciting potential of neuromorphic technologies.

During the lecture, Prof. Iniguez began by providing an introduction to the fundamentals of neuromorphic electronics, focusing on how these devices are designed to mimic the behavior of biological neural systems. He discussed the significance of artificial neurons and synaptic devices in replicating the functions of the human brain, and how this technology is laying the groundwork for more efficient computing systems that could revolutionize industries such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning.

Prof. Iniguez started with fundamental basics. At its core, neuromorphic electronics seeks to replicate the fundamental characteristics of biological brains in a silicon-based system or beyond. This includes using synaptic devices and artificial neurons to create a computational framework that mimics human cognition.

In the lecture, Prof. Iniguez explored the evolution of neuromorphic electronics. The development of synaptic devices and artificial neurons can be traced back to efforts to improve the efficiency of computational systems. Early attempts to replicate brain functions relied heavily on software models, but these systems struggled with scalability and energy efficiency. Over time, researchers turned to hardware solutions, where the challenge became creating circuits and devices that could closely mimic the adaptive and energy-efficient nature of biological neurons.

Prof. Iniguez highlighted the first breakthroughs in neuromorphic electronics, such as the development of memristors—devices that can store and process information in a way similar to how biological synapses work. Memristors have played a significant role in advancing neuromorphic systems because of their ability to store memory and process data in the same unit, eliminating the need for separate storage and computation devices.

From there, the lecture moved on to discuss the importance of advanced materials in the development of synaptic devices. Researchers have been exploring the use of organic materials, two-dimensional materials, and even quantum dots to enhance the performance of these devices. These materials not only promise improved performance but also contribute to making neuromorphic electronics more adaptable and energy-efficient.

With synaptic devices and artificial neurons forming the foundation of neuromorphic computing, Prof. Iniguez provided an overview of their real-world applications, focusing on areas where these technologies are poised to make a significant impact.

While the potential of neuromorphic electronics is vast, Prof. Iniguez also emphasized the challenges that remain in advancing these technologies. Despite the challenges, Prof. Iniguez  remains optimistic about the future of neuromorphic electronics.

The lecture concluded with a glimpse into the future, where neuromorphic devices and artificial neurons could revolutionize fields from AI and robotics to healthcare and beyond.

Successful Summer School and IEEE MQ at THM

The SiNANO Summer School 2024 took place at Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – University of Applied Sciences Giessen, Germany, from 30 September to 2 October 2024. The event was initiated as part of a cooperation between the SiNANO Institute, the IEEE EDS Chapter Germany, the IEEE Student Branch Gießen and THM and organised by Prof. Dr. Alexander Klös, Prof. Dr. Mike Schwarz and Marcia Lins from the Centre of Competence for Nanotechnology and Photonics (NanoP) at THM. It attracted 16 renowned speakers from all over Europe to Central Hessen, who travelled from Germany, Great Britain, Portugal, Sweden, Austria and France, among others. Particularly pleasing was the participation of 20 international PhD students, post-docs and experts from industry, some of whom travelled from as far away as China, as well as 5 doctoral students from the DMRG working group of the Centre of Competence NanoP at THM. The event was sponsored by the IEEE, the SiNANO Institute and the THM.

Participants of the IEEE Mini Colloquium and SiNANO Summer School 2024

The Summer School started with an IEEE Mini Colloquium organised by the IEEE EDS Chapter Germany, which brought together leading experts in the field of simulation and technology for emerging devices. The topics included:

  • Prof. Enrico Sangiorgi, University of Bologna – The European Chips Act and its impact on the Italian research ecosystem
  • Prof. Maria Merlyne De Souza, The University of Sheffield – AI techniques to predict the behavior of neuromorphic devices
  • Prof. Tibor Grasser, Technische Universität Wien – Insulators for Devices Based on 2D Materials
  • Dr. Mario Lanza, National University of Singapore – Hybrid 2D/CMOS microchips for memristive applications
  • Prof. Mikael Östling, KTH Royal Institute of Technology – The opportunities with SiC devices for the sustainable societal challenges

The welcome event on the first evening provided an inviting opportunity to explore the Mathematikum, the mathematics museum of the city of Giessen. After a short introduction the scientists present wandered around the museum with great enthusiasm. This informal atmosphere provided an excellent opportunity to network with other participants in an uncomplicated way, both on a personal and professional level, and to share common interests. It was a successful kick-off event, which promoted the mutual getting to know each other and the scientific exchange in a pleasant and inspiring way.

A variety of presentations and discussion groups were also offered on the second day of the event. After and between the presentations, participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts from renowned institutions.

The presentations were:

  • Eduardo Pérez Diez, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg – Promises and Challenges of Optimized 130 nm CMOS-integrated RRAM Devices for Hardware-based Artificial Neural Networks
  • Pedro Barquinha – Moving beyond displays with oxide transistors: trends & challenges
  • Irina Ionica, Grenoble INP – UGA – Silicon-on-insulator: one substrate and numerous opportunities
  • Ehrenfried Seebacher, ams OSRAM – Compact Modeling for Integrated Sensors and Circuits in CMOS Technology
  • Thomas Gneiting, AdMOS GmbH Advanced Modeling Solutions – SPICE libraries for modern process design kits
  • Viktor Sverdlov, TU Wien – Modeling advanced magnetoresistive devices

After the lectures of the second day, a poster session took place, which focussed on the exchange of ideas with other experts in the field of nanoelectronics and gave PhD students, postdocs and young researchers the important opportunity to present their current work.

Participants of the IEEE Mini Colloquium and SiNANO Summer School 2024

The last day continued with a series of exciting presentations:

  • Qing-Tai Zhao, Forschungszentrum Jülich – Toward ultra-low power Cryogenic CMOS
  • Prof. Vihar Georgiev, University of Glasgow – Multi-Scaled Simulations and Modelling of Novel Materials and Electronic Devices
  • Elena Gnani, University of Bologna – Trends and challenges in Beyond-CMOS devices for the next decade
  • Fabian Stammler, Bosch – Inspiring the Next Generation in MEMS Innovation
  • Mingchun Tang, Infineon Technologies – Device characterization and modeling from industrial point of view

After the presentations on the third day, Prof. Dr. Alexander Klös and Prof. Dr. Mike Schwarz closed the event and thanked all speakers and participants for their contribution, the mentioned sponsors for making the event possible and Marcia Lins for organising it. The Summer School 2024 was a successful joint project that promoted both knowledge transfer and intensive exchange within the research community. We are excited about the future and look forward to more insightful events in the field of nanotechnology at THM.

The Basics and Evolution of Organic Devices by Prof. Benjamin Iniguez

On December 14, 2023, a distinguished lecture titled “The Basics and Evolution of Organic Devices” was delivered by Prof. Benjamin Iniguez, an IEEE Fellow from URV. The event, organized by Prof. Alexander Kloes and Prof. Mike Schwarz of the Competence Center for Nanotechnology and Photonics (NanoP) at THM – University of Applied Sciences, Germany, drew the participation of 25 attendees.

During the lecture, Prof. Iniguez provided an overview of the historical development of the first Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) devices leading up to the present day. He delved into the details of their properties, benefits, and applications. Subsequently, Prof. Iniguez shifted the focus to Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) devices, offering a historical perspective and discussing the applications and future trends of these devices. The lecture concluded with an overview of Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) devices, covering their current efficiencies in laboratory settings and industrial applications.

Prof. Benjamin Iniguez celebrating the 75 anniversary of the transistor in front of the audience.

This distinguished lecture was part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the transistor and showcased one of the many use cases that have emerged over the last few decades. Participants were intrigued by the revelation that the invention of the transistor ultimately paved the way for the development of technologies found in today’s applications.

Benjamin Iniguez Distinguished Lecture on 14th December 2023

The EDS Germany Chapter and NanoP proudly presents Benjamin Iniguez from URV, Spain for a Distinguished Lecture on “The Basics and Evolution of Organic Devices”. The lecture will be held on 14th December 2023 at 4pm Berlin time. Interest participants please register via IEEE vTools by the following link:

Benjamin Iniguez Biography: Benjamin Iniguez obtained the Ph D in Physics in 1992 and 1996, respectively, from the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). From February 1997 to September 1998 he was working as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Rensselaer Polytecnhnic Institute in Troy (NY, USA). From September 1998 to January 2001 he was working as a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), supported by two Marie Curie Fellowships from the European Commission. In February 2001 he joined the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Control Engineering (DEEEiA) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), in Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain) as Titular Professor. In February 2010 he became Full Professor at URV. He obtained the Distinction from the Generalitat for the Promotion of University Research in 2004 and the ICREA Academia Award (the highest award for university professors in Catalonia, from ICREA Institute) in 2009 and 2014, for a period of 5 years each. He led one EU-funded project (“COMON”, 2008-12) devoted to the compact modeling of nanoscale semiconductor devices and he is currently leading one new EU-funded project (DOMINO, 2014-18) targeting the compact modeling of organic and oxide TFTs. His main research interests are the characterization, parameter extraction and compact modelling of emerging semiconductor devices, in particularorganic and oxide Thin-Film Transistors, nanoscale Multi-Gate MOSFETs and GaN HEMTs. He has published more than 150 research papers in international journals and more than 130 abstracts in proceedings of conferences.