This is to warmly invite the public to the Technical meeting of the IEEE Nigeria Section. Also, IEEE members are invited to the Administrative meeting of the IEEE Nigeria Section that will follow immediately after the technical meeting.

  • Date: Saturday – June 29, 2024
  • Time: 10am
  • Venue: Engineering Conference Hall, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria and Zoom (Meeting ID: 962 1793 4411 Passcode: 191175)

Are You Attending? Registration Here >>>

Meet our Speakers

Prof Melodi Adegoke

Prof Melodi Adegoke Oladipo is a distinguished professor of Electrical Engineering at the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA), Nigeria. He specializes in Power Systems Engineering and has made significant contributions to the field through his research and publications. His research interests include long-term load forecasting, power distribution quality, and smart energy metering systems.
Throughout his career, Professor Adegoke has published numerous papers on various aspects of power systems engineering. His work has been widely cited, reflecting his influence and the impact of his research in the field. Also, he has been involved in several projects aimed at improving Nigeria’s power grid and addressing the challenges of electricity distribution in the country.

Chinelo Okafor

Chinelo Okafor, a COREN registered Electrical and Electronics Engineer and an author of a book, “Basic Python for Data Science”. She is a certified Data Analyst with over 10 years of experience in Data Science. She has worked as a Solar Analyst and Performance Engineer in the Telecommunication industry.

She established Daisy Tech Limited, driven by her passion to share her extensive Data Science expertise and empower the next generation with valuable Data Science and AI skills. Her mission is to prepare young individuals for the digital age and equip them to tackle local challenges, fostering innovative solutions and positive impact. To date, she has successfully imparted Data Science knowledge to over 200 professionals and graduates, and digital skills to more than 100 children.

She has received numerous awards in recognition of her fervent commitment to youth development. Notable accolades include IEEE PES Day 2020 Ambassador award for contributing to bring more power to the future, the Diversity Champion Award from the SheEngineer 30% Club by APWEN, an Award of Recognition from the Nigeria Society of Engineers (Victoria Island branch) for her exemplary role as an executive member of the best branch in 2020, and a Certificate of Appreciation from TECHWOMEN Nigeria, acknowledging her company’s participation as one of the host organizations for student mentorship.