Mina Rais-Zadeh Distinguished Lecture on 12th April 2021
The EDS Germany Chapter and NanoP proudly presents Mina Rais-Zadeh from NASA JPL, California Institue of Technology, USA for a Distinguished Lecture on “Electron devices for communication and sensing in Space and/or harsh environments and the related device physics”. The lecture will be held on 12th April 2021 at 6pm Berlin time. Interest participants please register via IEEE vTools by the following link: https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/260553
Biography Mina Rais-Zadeh:
Dr. Mina Rais-Zadeh received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees both in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2005 and 2008, respectively. From 2008 to 2009, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2009, she joined the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). From 2014-2018 she had been a tenured Associate Professor in EECS with courtesy appointment in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. She is currently leading the MEMS and micro-instrument development activity at JPL as a group supervisor for the Advanced Optical and Electromechanical Microsystems Group.
Dr. Rais-Zadeh is the recipient of the NSF CAREER Award (2011), IEEE Electron Device Society Early Career Award (2011), NASA Early Career Faculty Award (2012), the Crosby Research Award from the University of Michigan (2013), National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering (2013), and ONR Young Investigator Award (2014). Together with her students, she received the best poster award at the Transducers conference (2013), the best paper award at the IEEE SiRF conference (2014), honorable mention at the IEEE IMS (2014), and was the finalist in student paper competitions at the SiRF (2007) and IMS (2011) conferences. She was awarded with the University of Michigan EECS Outstanding Achievement Award (2016) and by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Team Award (for successful delivery of first flight module for integration into the Lunar Flashlight payload) (2018). She was the chairperson of the Display, Sensors and MEMS (DSM) sub-committee at the 2013 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) and is a member of the 2014 IEDM Executive Committee and 2015 IEEE MEMS Executive Committee. She is a senior member of IEEE and has served as a member of the technical program committee of IEEE IEDM (2011-2013), IEEE Sensors Conference (2011-2014), the Hilton Head workshop (2012, 2014), the IEEE MEMS Conference (2014-2015), Transducers (2015), and IFCS (2015). She is an associate editor of the IEEE Electron Device Letters.
Her research interests include electron devices for wireless communication and sensing applications and the related device physics, resonant micromechanical devices, RF MEMS, gallium nitride MEMS, and micro/nano fabrication process development.