International Competition on
Smart Innovation Technologies
July 13 - 14, 2025 
Al Ryada University for Science and
Technology, Sadat, Egypt.

Experience the power of AI technology with this futuristic concept illustration.


The IC-SIT’2025 Golden Sponsorship

                          Al Ryada University for Science and Technology (RST) – Sadat – Egypt

                         SCGRS Technological – Cairo – Egypt                                       


The IC-SIT’2025 Technical Cosponsor



About The IC-SIT’2025

The IEEE Egypt AP-S/MTT-S Joint Chapter, Alexandria, Egypt, organizes the International Competition on Smart Innovation Technologies (IC-SIT). In light of global mass COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, it is scheduled for July 13–14, 2025, in Al Ryada University for Science and Technology, Sadat, Egypt, in a hybrid format (attend or online). The IEEE AP-S and MTT-S societies are providing technical support for the competition.

This competition aims to stimulate students’ interests, excite them, and enable them to understand and experience the role of engineering in scientific and engineering innovation. This is an annual event where high school and college students can work with engineering and business professionals to design or invent a product to show off.

The competition will culminate in an exhibition of project displays, final judging, and awards presentation in Alexandria, Egypt. The competition will be divided into levels and categories. The competition website, IC-SIT’2025 Competition, has the most recent updates for the competition details of all the activities.

Ai chipset on computer circuit board. Ai CPU concept. 3D Rendering.

Benefits of IC-SIT competition

In fact, the IC-SIT competition provides much-needed structure to those who are just getting started in science, technology, and engineering, while also serving as a skill-building opportunity for those who are more advanced in smart technologies, antenna, microwave, electromagnetics, coding, programming, design development, robotics, sensors and much more.

The advantages of the IC-SIT competition include opportunities for students to think critically and work autonomously in some cases or to collaborate in teams in others, thereby strengthening their collaborative and social skills. Furthermore, for both newcomers to IC-SIT and advanced students, the right competition can provide a great opportunity to enhance their vision and practical practice. The IC-SIT competition, like most competitions, especially for online and virtual events, can offer prizes as well as a way for participants to earn money from home.

The IC-SIT competition allows anyone living anywhere in the world to present and develop their experience on a global scale. Aside from having fun, all participants can expect to solve real-world problems, face challenges that require hands-on participation, and think outside the box.

Who can participate in this competition?

  • The IC-SIT competition has two levels for both international and national competitors:

          * Secondary Schools (Government-STEM-Private-Technological)

          * Colleges and Universities (Government-National-Private-Technological)

  • Individuals or small groups of up to ten students can form teams. All team members must attend the same high school, college, or university.
  • Each school, college, or university may allow up to ten teams to participate.
  • The student(s) must compete in their respective category based on their age and the level/class they are currently attending in the year of the competition.

Call for Project / Innovation Link: IC-SIT’2025 Call

Registration Link:  Register by clicking here

Proposal Template Link: IC-SIT_proposal_template

Proposal Submission Upload Link: IC-SIT Proposal Submission

2nd Stage Level Submission Upload Link: IC-SIT’2025_2nd Stage Level Submission

For any inquiries, please contact us at


Competition Timeline

  • 25 March 2025                     
    Deadline for Registration and Proposal Submission
  • 15 April 2025
    Preliminary Selection Notification
  • 30 April 2025   
    Deadline for Project File Collection
  • 17 May 2025   
    Project Submission Deadline Revision
  • 5 June 2025    
    Level Acceptance Notification
  • 30 June 2025
    Notification of Final Judging
  • 13-14 July 2025
    Ceremony of Awards


The Previous IC-SIT’2024 Exhibition and Ceremony Video Links:

The Previous IC-SIT’2023 Exhibition and Ceremony Video Links: