Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Technologies

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/273238

Dear Colleagues, Students and Friends, On behalf of the IEEE Lebanon Joint Chapter (IE13/PE31/CAS04/PEL35) and the UJS IEEE Student Branch, you are kindly invited to attend virtually the presentation of the Distinguished Lecturer Dr. Udaya K. Madawala, on Saturday June 12th, 2021 at 10:00 am Beirut Time. The talk is entitled "Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Technologies". Time: June 12, 2021 10:00 AM Beirut Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88323294657?pwd=NFZCTk9OWDdCQmljTjVMU3RTQTBvQT09 Meeting ID: 883 2329 4657 Passcode: 342319 Regards, Abdallah Kassem Co-sponsored by: USJ Speaker(s): Dr. Udaya Madawala, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/273238

Electric Vehicles Charging Technologies – Webinar

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/273538

Perceived as one of the most promising means of future transport, Electric vehicles (EVs) are currently gaining wider acceptance. One of the indispensable components of an EV is the power interface that connects the EV to the power grid, facilitating either the charging or discharging process of the EV’s battery. Hence, grid integration of EVs has become one of the main focuses of current research. EVs can be charged by either wired or wireless means, and the latter, based primarily on wireless power transfer (WPT) technology, is becoming increasingly popular being convenient, safe, and ideal for both stationary and dynamic (while moving) EV charging. This seminar presents the trends and latest advances in grid integration of EVs, highlighting the challenges and future directions. The seminar focuses particularly on bi-directional Wireless Power Transfer (BD-WPT) systems that were developed for V2G applications. This is why, Joint Chapter, IE13/PE31/CAS04/PEL35 in collaboration with IEEE USJ are proud to present their upcoming webinar "Electric Vehicles Charging Technologies". This seminar will highlight the trends and latest advances in grid integration of Electric Vehicles. Date: 12/06/2021 at 10AM (Beirut Time) Platform: Zoom Speaker(s): Dr. Udaya K. Madawala, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/273538