Assessing the biomechanics of Rugby Union contact events: can science and technology impact injury prevention?

Sport collisions impose high and repetitive loads on the musculo-skeletal system, which can lead to acute or chronic injuries. A better understanding of injury mechanisms is key to informing preventive strategies; however, assessing the biomechanical demands on the human body as a result of an impact is difficult, because it is often impossible to perform direct measurements of the specific loadings on the anatomical structures. In this talk I will discuss an integrated approach to the study of sport collisions, and the pathway followed by our research group at Bath, with a view to identifying experimental issues in the analysis of injury mechanisms in sport collisions and the role wearables could play within this research endeavour.

Ezio Preatoni - Biosketch

Ezio is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Biomechanics and Motor Control at the University of Bath, UK. He obtained the Laura (BSc + MSc) in biomedical Engineering (2003) and completed his PhD in Bioengineering (2007) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His research interests include human movement dynamics and coordination, with a specific focus on sports biomechanics, and on the use, development and integration of novel methods for the assessment of motor skills, learning, technique, injury mechanisms and injury prevention. Twitter: @iszio

Senior Lecturer

University of Bath

Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK