Il ciclo di webinar, alla sua seconda edizione, viene erogato all’interno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica, percorso di studi in Nanotecnologie e Sistemi Bioartificiali, ed è aperto al pubblico in forma gratuita. I webinar affronteranno le sfide del design, fabbricazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali alla nanoscala per applicazioni biomediche, mettendo in luce anche gli aspetti di sicurezza collegati all’impiego delle nanotecnologie in medicina. Webinars_Nanotecnologie in Biologia e Medicina 2022 I webinar si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma GoToWebinar. I partecipanti sono tenuti ad effettuare la registrazione entro il 29 aprile 2022 al seguente link: Iscriviti! Nanosafety: Relevant Aspects and Challenges martedì 3 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Nanotechnology involves manipulation of materials with a size range at the nanometer scale. Reduction of material size to nano-dimension may change their physicochemical properties compared to the same material at larger-size scales, such as a much larger surface to mass ratio, enhanced surface reactivity or increased ion release. Despite nanotechnology has the potential to bring many benefits in several industrial sectors, nanomaterials interaction with biological systems raises some concerns about human and animal health. Present talk describes some of the main aspects related to nanomaterials toxicity evaluation and relevant drivers for a safe and responsible development of new nano-products. Isabella De Angelis Environment and Health Department Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Rome, Italy Fundamentals of Electron Microscopy martedì 10 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Electron Microscopy is among the most common charged particle technique for characterization of Materials and Life Sciences. In this webinar we will shortly introduce the physics behind, and we will show the technology developments that led to today’s most advanced systems, focusing on Scanning Electron Microscopes. Complementary techniques will be also presented, ranging from chemical analysis, i.e. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, to 3D Volume Microscopy like Array Tomography and FIBSEM Francesco Biancardi, ZEISS Microscopy Italia Atomic Force Microscopy: a versatile toolbox for bionanotechnologies and beyond martedì 17 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Atomic force microscopy (AFM), since its invention thirty years ago, has attracted a considerable amount of attention from the bionanotechnology community. It offers not only a spatial resolution at nanometre, but the possibility to investigate biological entities in-situ. In this talk, I will present the basics of AFM, historical perspectives of its application, and the latest advancement made. Zhenyu J. Zhang School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham - B15 2TT, U.K. Smart solutions in nanomedicine martedì 24 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 The remote control of cellular functions through smart nanomaterials represents a bio-manipulation approach with unprecedented potential applications in many fields of medicine, ranging from cancer therapy to tissue engineering (Figure 1). By actively responding to external stimuli, smart nanomaterials act as real nanotransducers able to mediate and/or convert different forms of energy into both physical and chemical cues, fostering specific cell behaviors . A new paradigm is proposed for nanomedicine, in order to exploit the intrinsic properties of nanomaterials as active devices rather than as passive structural units or carriers for medications. References Genchi G.G., Marino A., Tapeinos C., Ciofani G. Smart materials meet multifunctional biomedical devices: Current and prospective implications for nanomedicine. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 5: 80 (2017) Genchi G.G., Marino A., Grillone A., Pezzini I., Ciofani G. Remote control of cellular functions: the role of smart nanomaterials in the medicine of the future. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6(9): 1700002 (2017) Gianni Ciofani Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Center for Materials Interfaces Smart Bio-Interfaces Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, 56025 Pontedera, Pisa Nanoscopia ottica nella ricerca biomedica martedì 31 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Optical microscopy has recently undergone a revolution, culminating in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the pioneers of super-resolution microscopy in 2014. As we reach the era of optical nanoscopy, the living can be investigated in a low-perturbative manner, particularly at spatial scales greater than the diffraction limit. This presentation will go through the most current advances in optical microscopy and nanoscopy. The concepts behind strategies for achieving spatial super-resolution, as well as notions that allow biological systems to be investigated at the molecular level, will be discussed. Fluorescence is the primary contrast mechanism as well as a crucial role in improving spatial resolution, making it the ideal starting point for the construction of a multi-modal optical microscope capable of studying living systems from the micro to the nano scale. Nonetheless, we will demonstrate how to employ nanoscopy in the absence of fluorescent marks, as well as how to combine it with sample expansion methods like scanning probe microscopy. Paolo Bianchini Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Nikon Imaging Center