The SPINE Body-Of-Knowledge for the Systematic and Full-Fledged Development of Wearable Computing Systems Based on Body Sensor Networks

More Info   Abstract: Wearable computing is a relatively new area of research and development that aims at supporting people in different application domains: health-care (monitoring assisted livings), fitness (monitoring athletes), social interactions (enabling multi-user activity recognition, e.g., handshake), videogames (enabling joystick-less interactions), factory (monitoring employees in their activity), etc. Wearable computing is based on wearable computing devices/interfaces such as sensor nodes (e.g., to measure heart rate, temperature, blood oxygen, etc), common life objects (e.g., watch, belt, etc), smartphones/PDA. Wearable computing has been recently boosted by the introduction of body sensor networks (BSNs), i.e., networks of wireless wearable sensor nodes coordinated by more capable coordinators (smartphones, tablets, PCs). Although the basic elements (sensors, protocols, coordinators) of a BSN are available (already from a commercial point of view), developing BSN systems/applications is a complex task that requires suitable design methods based on effective and efficient programming frameworks. In this DL, we will first discuss the state-of-the-art of currently available wearable computing systems based on BSNs. Then, we will focus on the SPINE Body-Of-Knowledge (, created in the last 15 years by the Prof. Fortino's research group, which includes models, methods, algorithms, frameworks, tools and systems for the systematic and full-fledged development of wearable computing systems based on body sensor networks. We also show real prototypes developed using SPINE BoK, e.g. activity/gesture recognition systems, fall detection systems, mobile ECG processing systems, elbow/knee rehabilitation systems, emotion recognition systems, etc. Finally, the DL will enumerate and discuss future research challenges along possible solutions (e.g., community-oriented wearable computing systems) in such exciting research domain.   Bio: Giancarlo Fortino (SM’12) is Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Dept of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics, and Systems of the University of Calabria (Unical), Italy. He received a PhD in Computer Engineering from Unical in 2000. He is also distinguished professor at Wuhan University of Technology and Huazhong Agricultural University (China), high-end expert at HUST (China), senior research fellow at the Italian ICAR-CNR Institute, CAS PIFI visiting scientist at SIAT – Shenzhen, and Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Sensors Council. He is Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2020. Currently he has 15 highly cited papers in WoS, and h-index=57 with almost 13000 citations in Google Scholar. He is Chair of the PhD program in ICT, the director of the Postgraduate Master in INTER-IoT and the director of the SPEME lab at Unical as well as co-chair of Joint labs on IoT established between Unical and WUT and SMU and HZAU Chinese universities, respectively. His research interests include wearable computing systems, e-Health, Internet of Things, and agent-based computing. Fortino is currently the scientific responsible of the Digital Health group of the Italian CINI National Laboratory at Unical. He is author of 500+ papers in int’l journals, conferences and books. He is (founding) series editor of IEEE Press Book Series on Human-Machine Systems and EiC of Springer Internet of Things series and AE of premier int'l journals such as IEEE TAFFC-CS, IEEE THMS, IEEE IoTJ, IEEE SJ, IEEE JBHI, IEEE SMCM, IEEE OJEMB, IEEE OJCS, Information Fusion, JNCA, EAAI, etc. He organized as chair many int’l workshops and conferences (100+), was involved in a huge number of int’l conferences/workshops (500+) as IPC member, is/was guest-editor of many special issues (60+). He is cofounder and CEO of SenSysCal S.r.l., a Unical spinoff focused on innovative IoT systems. Fortino is currently member of the IEEE SMCS BoG and of the IEEE Press BoG, and chair of the IEEE SMCS Italian Chapter.

Digital Sustainability Bootcamp 2021

We would like to kindly request dissemination of this international initiative that may be of interest to your students - please find brochure, programme and poster attached.    Following the success of the Bootcamp 2019 (Cambridge edition) and the Bootcamp 2020 (phygital edition) we are pleased to announce the Programma_Bootcamp_2021_def an international training project of Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome in collaboration with Marzotto Venture Accelerator.   This intensive 3-week programme of lectures, labs and project work to acquire technical skills (fundamentals of IoT, AI and enabling technologies) along with soft skills, will be held as phygital edition combining the best of the physical world and the digital world: physical location in Rome and live programme online to allow maximum flexibility so that the participants can choose their learning experience. Aiming to fill the skills gap in Industry 4.0, the course is an important bridge between universities and industry and has the following characteristics: • 3 intense weeks of professional training • 20 hours of lessons • 40 hours of labs led by tutors • 18 hours of soft-skills training • lecturer and tutors from academia and industry • daily teamwork sessions • programme entirely taught in English • scholarships for international students • hackathon   For more information visit the Bootcamp webpage or write to the following email:

Workshop Microelettronica per la Salute 2nd edition

Alla sua seconda edizione, il Workshop si propone di dare un quadro attuale su scala nazionale delle attività di ricerca svolte nel campo della microelettronica per la salute. Quest’anno si è scelto di focalizzare gli interventi a due contesti di particolare attualità, la telemedicina e la medicina di precisione.  Sono previsti interventi di ricercatori dell’accademia e dell’industria e saranno portati  esempi di effettive collaborazioni in corso tra ingegneri e medici e testimonianze di sperimentazioni sul campo, nonché esempi di sinergie tra accademia e aziende. Sarà dato spazio al trasferimento tecnologico, con contributi da aziende grandi e piccole, impegnate nella produzione di dispositivi e sistemi elettronici per la telemedicina e nella ricerca nel campo della medicina di precisione. La discussione finale ha lo scopo di stimolare la condivisione di argomenti e metodi di ricerca, di creare aggregazioni finalizzate all’applicazione a bandi di finanziamenti nazionali ed europei, di sollecitare le aziende che producono o usano la microelettronica a esplorare nuovi campi di applicazione nell’ambito della salute. ORGANIZZAZIONE Fernanda Irrera, Fabrizio Palma – Università La Sapienza Antonio Imbruglia, Vittorio Ferrari – AEIT-AMES Pierantonio Palerma – Rivista Selezione di Elettronica Evento on-line e in presenza (compatibilmente con le disposizioni vigenti al momento). La partecipazione è gratuita. La registrazione è obbligatoria entro il 20/09 per e-mail a oppure a Ai partecipanti in remoto verranno inviate le credenziali di accesso per e-mail. More Info Sponsor e Patrocinio: Sapienza Università di Roma; AMES; STITCH; IEEE-Electron Device Society Italy Chapter; IEEE-Sensor Council Italy Chapter

Engineering approach – Story of adaptability by Lorenzo Dinia Ph.D.

December 15th, 12:00 - @ucbm T13 Speaker: Lorenzo Dinia Ph.D. A career in engineering can unfold into unexpected paths and suddenly turn into a dreamed opportunity. A comparison between a family-owned business where an engineer is a handyman problem-solver and a corporate company where an engineer is a micro gear within an infinitely bigger system will be illustrated. A quality engineer for medical devices manufacturer is a professional that links the profit driven part of the business and the one trying to be in compliance with the regulatory agencies. The Six Sigma approach is central in this role to improve quality through reducing variation for every process; the reasons will be explained. The 21 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) part 820 introduces a set of regulations from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the good manufacturing practice (GMP) requirements. An overview of the quality system and its applications will be presented. In US, medical devices manufacturers must comply with these rules with regards to their quality system and the quality engineer is te figure to enforce all GMP policies and procedures. The requirements are intended to ensure that medical devices will be safe and effective and otherwise in compliance with the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. A quality engineer is a key expert on complaint processing using electro-mechanic knowledge and statistical analysis; control of inspection, measuring, and test equipment including handling, preservation, and storage of equipment so that its accuracy and good condition for use are maintained; calibration to ensure precision and accuracy limits are met; risk assessment applied in any quality related activity just to cite a few. The main tasks of a quality engineer will be introduced. The final aim is to find the optimal tradeoff for the company between boosting the profit and being fully in compliance with regulations. The presentation will provide useful tool to better understand where a quality engineer fits among the needs and expectations of companies, hospital personnel, and regulatory agencies. As for each career, some personal lessons will be drawn. Lorenzo Dinia received his M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering in Rome, earning a 4.0 GPA. In 2014, he received a second M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. In February 2019, he completed a Ph.D. program in Mathematical Models for Engineering, Electromagnetics and Nanosciences, majoring in Electromagnetics, at Sapienza University of Rome. In October 2018, he also won the "Marabelli prize". The primary topic of his research is the fiber Bragg grating sensor and its applications, mainly related to the conservation of the original condition of artworks and biomedical applications. His research activities focus on finite element analysis, fiber Bragg grating, guiding structures, theoretical scattering models, optical propagation, sensors, biomedical applications, and cultural-heritage applications. He has three years of experience as a medical equipment maintenance Manager at two major hospitals in Rome. He was responsible for coordinating the work of a team of technicians performing corrective and preventive maintenance and quality inspections. During his professional career, he held different engineering roles in the USA, as Process Technical Engineer at a manufacturing company in Brooklyn, as a Field Service Engineer at a packaging company in New Jersey, and, currently, he is working as a Quality Engineer at a company manufacturing medical devices. MORE INFO LINK SOON

Paper-based substrates for novel electrochemical and optical (bio)sensing

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma via Alvaro del Portillo, 21, Rome, --, Italy

Stefano Cinti Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II Abstract: In recent years, paper-based analytical tools have attracted a great deal of attention; the well-known properties of paper, such as abundance, affordability, lightness, and biodegradability, combined with features of printed electrochemical sensors, have enabled the development of sustainable devices that drive (bio)sensors beyond the state of the art. Depending on analytical requisites, different types of paper (filter, office) and configurations (1D, 2D, 3D) can be adopted. A wide overview regarding application ranging from DNA to heavy metals, through pesticides detection will be provided. The talk is aimed to provide general basis regarding the development of smart electrochemical and optical strips for multiple applications. The main question from non-experts is: which kind of support should I use? The best answer is “it depends”! Biosketch: Stefano Cinti is Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistrty at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples “Federico II”. He leads the uninanobiosensors Lab ( and his research interests include the development of Electrochemical (bio)sensors, Paper-Based devices and Nanomaterials. During his research activity, he had the opportunity to spend period abroad in Finland, UK, USA, Germany and Spain. He published 60 papers on peer-reviewed journals, with a H-index of 28 and >2600 citations. Among all the prizes and certificates, in 2019 he has been named Best Young Researcher in Analytical Chemistry (by the Italian Chemical Society) and he has been inserted in World’s Top 2% Scientists (Stanford University). He coordinates the Chemical Cultural Diffusion group of Italian Chemical Society. He is the Chair of AMYC-BIOMED, a multi-disciplinary conference for young chemists in the biomedical sciences. He is very active in communicating science to non-specialized audience through TV shows, radio and magazine.    


Ciclo di webinar Nanotecnologie in biologia e medicina

Il ciclo di webinar, alla sua seconda edizione, viene erogato all’interno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica, percorso di studi in Nanotecnologie e Sistemi Bioartificiali, ed è aperto al pubblico in forma gratuita. I webinar affronteranno le sfide del design, fabbricazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali alla nanoscala per applicazioni biomediche, mettendo in luce anche gli aspetti di sicurezza collegati all’impiego delle nanotecnologie in medicina. Webinars_Nanotecnologie in Biologia e Medicina 2022 I webinar si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma GoToWebinar. I partecipanti sono tenuti ad effettuare la registrazione entro il 29 aprile 2022 al seguente link: Iscriviti!   Nanosafety: Relevant Aspects and Challenges martedì 3 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Nanotechnology involves manipulation of materials with a size range at the nanometer scale. Reduction of material size to nano-dimension may change their physicochemical properties compared to the same material at larger-size scales, such as a much larger surface to mass ratio, enhanced surface reactivity or increased ion release. Despite nanotechnology has the potential to bring many benefits in several industrial sectors, nanomaterials interaction with biological systems raises some concerns about human and animal health. Present talk describes some of the main aspects related to nanomaterials toxicity evaluation and relevant drivers for a safe and responsible development of new nano-products. Isabella De Angelis Environment and Health Department Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), Rome, Italy Fundamentals of Electron Microscopy martedì 10 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Electron Microscopy is among the most common charged particle technique for characterization of Materials and Life Sciences. In this webinar we will shortly introduce the physics behind, and we will show the technology developments that led to today’s most advanced systems, focusing on Scanning Electron Microscopes. Complementary techniques will be also presented, ranging from chemical analysis, i.e. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, to 3D Volume Microscopy like Array Tomography and FIBSEM Francesco Biancardi, ZEISS Microscopy Italia Atomic Force Microscopy: a versatile toolbox for bionanotechnologies and beyond martedì 17 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Atomic force microscopy (AFM), since its invention thirty years ago, has attracted a considerable amount of attention from the bionanotechnology community. It offers not only a spatial resolution at nanometre, but the possibility to investigate biological entities in-situ. In this talk, I will present the basics of AFM, historical perspectives of its application, and the latest advancement made. Zhenyu J. Zhang School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham - B15 2TT, U.K. Smart solutions in nanomedicine martedì 24 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 The remote control of cellular functions through smart nanomaterials represents a bio-manipulation approach with unprecedented potential applications in many fields of medicine, ranging from cancer therapy to tissue engineering (Figure 1). By actively responding to external stimuli, smart nanomaterials act as real nanotransducers able to mediate and/or convert different forms of energy into both physical and chemical cues, fostering specific cell behaviors . A new paradigm is proposed for nanomedicine, in order to exploit the intrinsic properties of nanomaterials as active devices rather than as passive structural units or carriers for medications. References Genchi G.G., Marino A., Tapeinos C., Ciofani G. Smart materials meet multifunctional biomedical devices: Current and prospective implications for nanomedicine. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 5: 80 (2017) Genchi G.G., Marino A., Grillone A., Pezzini I., Ciofani G. Remote control of cellular functions: the role of smart nanomaterials in the medicine of the future. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6(9): 1700002 (2017) Gianni Ciofani Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Center for Materials Interfaces Smart Bio-Interfaces Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, 56025 Pontedera, Pisa Nanoscopia ottica nella ricerca biomedica martedì 31 maggio 2022 ore 11:30 Optical microscopy has recently undergone a revolution, culminating in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the pioneers of super-resolution microscopy in 2014. As we reach the era of optical nanoscopy, the living can be investigated in a low-perturbative manner, particularly at spatial scales greater than the diffraction limit. This presentation will go through the most current advances in optical microscopy and nanoscopy. The concepts behind strategies for achieving spatial super-resolution, as well as notions that allow biological systems to be investigated at the molecular level, will be discussed. Fluorescence is the primary contrast mechanism as well as a crucial role in improving spatial resolution, making it the ideal starting point for the construction of a multi-modal optical microscope capable of studying living systems from the micro to the nano scale. Nonetheless, we will demonstrate how to employ nanoscopy in the absence of fluorescent marks, as well as how to combine it with sample expansion methods like scanning probe microscopy. Paolo Bianchini Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Nikon Imaging Center

Wearables Challenge

L’IEEE Student Branch dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma e l’IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter promuovono la Wearables Challenge. L’obiettivo della Challenge è la realizzazione di sistemi indossabili che consentano: (i) il monitoraggio di parametri vitali o cinematici; (ii) l’acquisizione ed il salvataggio dei dati in real-time; (iii) la stima del parametro di interesse. I lavori sviluppati dai partecipanti saranno valutati in base ai seguenti criteri: 1. Indossabilità del dispositivo; 2. Prestazioni del dispositivo; 3. Originalità della soluzione proposta; 4. Esposizione del lavoro svolto. La commisione valutatrice sarà composta da: Dott. Andrea Rossi Prof. Emiliano Schena Dott. Ing. Carlo Massaroni Dott. Ing. Daniela Lo Presti Dott. Ing. Luigi Raiano Ing. Joshua Di Tocco Dott.ssa Giulia Di Tomaso Dott.ssa Anna Tortoriello Dott. Riccardo Sabbadini PDF DOWNLOAD

2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research – IEEE STAR

Sport is one of the most dynamic and promising sectors in terms of investment in research and innovation. Grounded on this evidence, the core purpose of the 2022 IEEE-STAR International workshop is to foster research in technological innovation and excellence in sports equipment, technical materials, training technologies and performance monitoring, fan engagement and healthy lifestyles. Specifically, the event aims to: promote and strengthen relationships, partnerships, alliances and networks between academia and industry in the field of sport innovation; disseminate recent research and technology advancements, discoveries and novel applications to sport; exchange ideas and strengthen cooperation between researchers; increase the public's understanding and awareness of how the practice of sports can positively affect and individual’s quality of life; facilitate the development of new entrepreneurial initiatives in the sportech sector. The event features a comprehensive technical program including panels, technical sessions, and innovative industrial demonstrations. Vertical panels will be an essential element of the IEEE-STAR workshop. Panels will bring together leading representatives from academia and industry to facilitate discussion around key topics and trends. Panel sessions will focus on challenging and emerging issues in all the areas of sports research and innovation. Prospective Authors of papers are invited to submit an abstract of typically 2 pages. The length of the final papers is from 4 to 6 pages. Proceedings papers need to be presented at the event to assure their submission for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Innovative industrial demonstrations will highlight exciting developmemnts across the field of sport innovation. A central role will be assigned to sport tech startups, whch will be offered a chance to introduce and demonstrate their products and services. PDF Conference website

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