
Celebrating the Day of Light: Miracle Light!

Silvano Donati, professor at University of Pavia and founder member of the IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, will provide a talk to celebrate the International Day of Light!

May 16th 2024 11:00

University of Pavia, Dept. of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering, «Nave», Via Ferrata 1, Magenta …

EU GREEN celebrates the International Day of Light 2024, Parma (Italy)

L’Università degli Studi di Parma celebra l’International Day of Light il 22 maggio con due seminari promossi dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Architettura, e patrocinati dall’IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter.

Optical Transport Systems for the Next Decade, Marco Bertolini, Nokia

Bridging Technology and Sustainability: Fiber Sensing and …

RFID: Stato dell’Arte e Prospettive

Tiziana Tambosso (Telecom Consultant): “RFID: Stato dell’Arte e Prospettive”, January 30, 2007 – Università Roma Tor Vergata, Aula Seminari

May 15th 2019: UNESCO International Day of Light

Celebrating the UNESCO Day-of-LightMay 16, 2:15 pm, University of Pavia, DIIIAula 3, Engineering Building (nuovo Polo Didattica)

Outstanding Lecturers reporting on Photonics and related applications. Organized by the Ph.D. School in Electronics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. School in Microelectronics at University of …

Build your Optics Lab

Relatore: Ing. Michele Sozzi – DNAPhone s.r.lMartedì 14 maggio 2019, ore 10.30Università di Parma – Sede Didattica di Ingegneria, Aula 9

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Advances in Integrated Photonic Signal Processing

Speaker: Prof. Robert A. Minasian of School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia

Location: Università degli Studi Roma TreVia Ostiense, 159 ROMA, 00154 ItalyAula multimediale

Abstract: Photonic signal processing is attractive because it leverages the advantages of the optical domain to benefit from the …

Quantum Photonics with Ordered Quantum Dot and Quantum Wire Systems

IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter e Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Distinguished Lecturer SEMINARTitolo: “Quantum Photonics with Ordered Quantum Dot and Quantum Wire Systems”

Relatore: Prof. Eli KaponLaboratory of Physics of NanostructuresEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

31/03/2017, h 14:30Dipartimento di Scienza dei MaterialiUniversità degli Studi Milano Bicocca …

Photonic crystal fibers, properties and applications

Il 27 marzo 2017 l’IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, l’Università degli Studi di Catania e l’INFN-LNS hanno ospitato il seminario del Prof. Stefano Selleri dell’Università di Parma, “Photonic crystal fibers, properties and applications – Fibre a cristallo fotonico, proprietà e applicazioni”

27/03/2017, h 11.00Presso INFN, Laboratori Nazionali …