The IEEE Photonics Italy Chapter was founded in 1997, with the name of LEOS Italian Chapter, by the first Chairman Silvano Donati. It started its activity on April 1st 1997-

Each year, the Chapter program is shaped by the Officers, approved by the Chapter Executive Committee.

The Chapter best practice can be summarized as follows:

  • Organize International Workshops and Conferences;
  • Develop a Cultural and Professional Program;
  • Maintain good relationship with National industries (promote active CEC membership);
  • Keep a good relationship with the other National Societies (AEIT/AICT, SIOF);
  • Keep a good relationship with IEEE Italy Section (participating in the work of the Section Board as active member, reporting yearly and co-organizing technical meetings);
  • Maintain a good web and mail contact with members;
  • Promote student membership with prizes and awards and supporting the activity of Student Branches.



Silvano Donati
1997-2002 (MAR)
Tiziana Tambosso
APR 2002- APR 2012
Stefano Selleri
MAG 2012 - 2016
Silvia Pietralunga
2017 - 2020
Antonio d'Alessandro
2021 - 2023
Antigone Marino
2024 - NOW