IEEE Slovenia CIS Annual Chapter Meeting with Technical Presentations during ERK 2022 (Portorož, Slovenia)
Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) sessions at ERK have become a tradition, as a main part of the CIS11 chapter meeting with technical presentations at the ERK conference. These meetings foster the mission of CIS1: “Advancing nature-inspired computational paradigms in science and engineering to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.“. The chapter meeting also includes promotion of the other activities and events of the chapter, membership, and leadership engagement opportunities. Organizer: Aleš Zamuda, CIS11 chair
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IEEE Slovenia CIS annual chapter meeting
Part A) Opening, welcome & materials (Portorož, 13:30 in A)
13:30 – introducing awards & sponsors (IEEE Slovenia Section, UL FE, UM FERI)
13:35 – reporting & review: Chapter meeting reporting on vTools
13:40 – chapter activities report for R8 (overview & discussion)
13:45 – presented contribution from DAPHNE project at the meeting: Aleš Zamuda. Poster presentation – DAPHNE: Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines for Large-Scale Data Management, HPC and Machine Learning.
13:55 – Discussion, Closing Remarks & Announcing ERK technical program CS.1
Part B) Technical papers (14:00)
Track: Računalništvo in informatika / Computer and Information Science
CS.1 Računalniška inteligenca / Computational Intelligence
19.09.2022 ob/at 14:00 v/in A
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
1. Detekcija vegetacijskih krajinskih elementov v podatkih LiDAR in ortofoto z nevronsko mrežo / Detection of vegetation landscape elements in LiDAR and orthophoto data using a neural network
Horvat Štefan, FERI,UM
Kohek Štefan, FERI,UM
Ivajnšič Danijel, FNM,UM
Strnad Damjan, FERI,UM
2. Arhitektura sistema za izvedbo tekmovanja v mobilni robotiki / System architecture for running mobile robotics competition
Ilc Nejc, FRI,UL
Maležič Jakob, FRI,UL
Rezar Matija, FRI,UL
Sluga Davor, FRI,UL
3. Razširitev označevalnega jezika Markdown z aritmetičnimi operacijami, matematičnimi in logičnimi funkcijami v tabelah / Extending the Markdown Markup Language with Arithmetic Operations, Mathematical and Logical Functions in Tables
Marinič Aleks, FERI,UM
Kosar Tomaž, FERI,UM
4. Neperiodična binarna zaporedja z dobrimi avtokorelacijskimi lastnostmi: nizke vrednosti stranskih režnjev / Aperiodic Binary Sequences with Good Autocorrelation Properties: Low Peak Side-lobe Levels Values
Brest Janez, FERI,UM
Bošković Borko, FERI,UM
5. Computational analysis of rhythmic data using RDA
Vestu Arthur, ESIGELEC, Rouen
Roldao Lily-Jade, ESIGELEC, Rouen
Moškon Miha, FRI,UL
6. Primerjava algoritmov QPS-PSO in jDEr na potencialu Lennard-Jones / The Comparison of QPS-PSO and jDEr algorithms for the Lennard-Jones Potential
Herzog Jana, FERI,UM
Bošković Borko, FERI,UM
Brest Janez, FERI,UM
Full ERK conference proceedings link:
IEEE CIS Slovenia website link: