Registration Fees

CategoryIn-Person Conferences Fees (USD)Virtual Conference Fees (USD)
IEEE member (full registration)300175
Non IEEE member (full registration)350200
IEEE Student member75Free of Charge
IEEE member 15050
Non IEEE member 20075
Each additional paper200200
Each extra page (up to two)5050

Each full registration covers 2 papers
Authors should pay a full registration to publish their paper(s)
Local residents will pay the registration fees in local currency with the official rate
Local residents should pay on-site registration fees
Each paper should be 6-pages with up to 2 extra pages

Submission of Papers

Submission of full papers is to be done via EDAS ( Limit of 6 pages (up to 2 additional pages at a fee), including paper title, authors and affiliations, figures and references. Authors are requested to prepare the manuscripts in the IEEE two-column format. Click here for more information

All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, publishing of the papers will be subject to IEEE approval of the form and the quality of the papers.