IEEE Tech4Good Challenge
The next IEEE Tech4Good Challenge is taking place in Lebanon and Tunisia, and participating teams can receive up to US$20,000 to deploy a project that enhances community resilience in water and/or energy.
Teams will select one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the primary focus for their project:
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Technology (SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation)
Clean Energy and Sustainable Power (SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy)
Don’t wait to apply! Register your team of 3 – 5 people from your university, student branch, or IEEE Section by 28 March. At least one team member should be an IEEE member, with an IEEE Member grade or higher.
All teams will participate in a virtual training session hosted by IEEE Humanitarian Technologies and AUB’s Humanitarian Engineering Initiative to learn more about the fundamentals of designing practical, scalable, and sustainable solutions on 7 – 8 April.
For more information on the Challenge, and to sign up to participate, please visit the IEEE HT website. Any questions may be directed to