Wearable sensors are measuring systems worn on the body and/or in direct contact with the skin surface. They include a wide range of smart electronic devices that can be used to detect, analyze, and transmit information concerning physiological parameters, vital signs, biomechanical information, ambient data, and others variables.
Wearable sensors have a wide range of applications that grows as the field itself expands from the unobtrusive and continuous monitoring of patients (in hospital and at home) to the daily monitoring of users and real-time feedback for athletes.
There is a considerable research interest in developing new sensors and devices, in reducing the size of available sensors, pushing forward microelectronics and nanoelectronics for wearables systems. The correct selection of available sensors, their metrological characteristics, the data processing and analysis are some aspects this Technical Committee aims at exploring and leads.
This TC mainly aims to:
- develop a network of researchers in the field of wearable sensors, smart devices, non-invasive assistive technologies, smart textiles, IoT wearables, flexible electronics, wearable monitors and implantable body sensors coming from different research sectors (engineering, medicine, biology, chemistry, industrial, etc.), with similar or different expertise area (Material science, Measurement science, Bioelectronics, Biochemistry, Microelectronics, Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Device Industry)
- share innovative contributions among different actors
- create a positive environment for sharing ideas and promoting the dialogue between researchers, students, industrial partners
- organize seminars and technical events in the field of wearable sensors and wearable devices and their application in medicine, daily life, and sports.

Unità di misure e strumentazione biomedica – Facoltà dipartimentale di ingegneria – Via Alvàro del Portillo, 21, 00128, Roma
Tel. 06 22541 9671
Carlo Massaroni (from Mar 2020)
Carlo Massaroni, received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (Italy) in 2010 and 2012, respectively. Then he received the Ph.D. degree in Bioengineering from the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (Italy) in 2017. Currently is Assistant Professor at the Departmental Faculty of Engineering, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. His research interests are in the field of wearable sensors for cardiorespiratory monitoring, physical activities and biomechanical measurements, as well as in the field of characterization of sensors, systems and materials. He has been Chair of the TC Sensors for Biomechanics at the IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter from 2018 to 2019. He is Associate Member of the TC on Wearable Biomedical Sensors and Systems of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB) Society, Member of the IEEE SA P1752 Standard for Mobile Health Data, and Editorial Board Member of Wearables Section in MDPI Sensors Journal
Past Chair
Simona Crea (Feb 2018 – Mar 2020)