
Noise and vibration are topics that have always interested the scientific community. The technological improvements characterizing the evolution of acoustic (e.g. from capacitive to MEMS microphones) and vibration sensors (e.g. MEMS accelerometers or non-contact device as laser Doppler Vibrometers) have made it possible the growth of knowledge in these areas and their application to broad and different fields, from dynamic testing, machine diagnostics to physiological sensing. Nowadays that acoustic and vibration sensing elements are getting more accessible, spread in mass-commodity tools (e.g. smartphones) and computational capabilities of devices are continuously growing, new challenges and opportunities are arising. Indeed, characterizing the metrological performances of these sensors, developing algorithms to correctly process data measured, as well as designing new sensing strategies for sound and vibration are just a few topics of interest of this Technical Committee.

This TC will try to act as catalyst in the area of VIBRATION AND ACOUSTIC SENSORS, collecting contributions from different sectors (academy, industry, etc.) and expertise, promoting and sharing ideas and visions on these topics. Cross-fertilization will thus play an important role, being the engine beneath collaboration among actors involved. Organization of technical events and shared documents are just a few examples on how to pursue this objective.



Paolo Chiariotti received the M.S. degree (cum laude) in Mechanical Engineering in 2007 and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering and Management from Università Politecnica delle Marche – UNIVPM (Italy) in 2011. He currently holds a researcher position in Measurement at the Faculty of Engineering of UNIVPM. His research interests are in the field of measurement techniques, with special focus on: vibro-acoustic instrumentation and testing, non-destructive testing, machine vision systems, optical sensors and signal processing. He is author/coauthor of more than 50 papers, 1 patent and 1 book chapter. He is also member of IEEE and SEM (Society for Experimental Mechanics).