This Technical Commission is focused on the research and dissemination activities carried out by the members working on ultrasonic transducers and sensors for biomedicine, non-destructive-testing, industry, and robotics.
The long experience of the Italian community operating in this field includes:
- transducer modeling
- fabrication technologies with advanced methods
- transducers and sensors characterization
- transducer’s system design
- technology transfer
- advanced and new applications for human-computer interactions and robotics emerging applications for IoT
The dissemination activities will be addressed on the awareness and training.
The technical commission will propose and stimulate the opportunity of reciprocal invitation of members to national project meetings, invited seminar to related university courses (masters, Ph.D. school), organization of focused workshops, and the participation of members to thematic networks, competence centres, and summer schools.
A portfolio of these activities will be catalogued and shared by the Italian IEEE Sensors Chapter website, to maintain a high level of awareness on all the topics touched by the ultrasonic transducers and sensors research in Italy. The interaction of the community will stimulate the organization of high-level and specialized training to students, researchers and professionals.

Stanza 536-Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione
Via Santa Marta, 3, 50139, Firenze
Tel. 055 2758627
Fax. 055 2758570
Lorenzo Capineri
Lorenzo Capineri (M’83–SM’07) was born in Florence, Italy, in 1962. He received the M.S. degree
in electronic engineering, in 1988, the doctorate degree in nondestructive testing, in 1993, and postdoctorate in advanced processing method for ground penetrating radar systems from the University of Florence, in 1994.
In 1995, he became an Associate Researcher and an Associate Professor of Electronics with the
Department of Information Engineering (formerly Department of Electronics and Telecommunications)
with the University of Florence, in 2004. In 2017 he received the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor in Electronics.
He has worked on several research projects in collaboration with national industries, the Italian Research Council (CNR), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and the European Space Agency (ESA), AEA Technology and UKAEA, England, International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC), Moscow, Russia, Thales Alenia Space Italia (TASI), Texas Instruments, USA, Joint Research Centre (European Commission), and NATO. He has coauthored six Italian patents, three book chapters, and around 200 scientific and technical papers. His research interests include the design of ultrasonic guided waves devices, buried objects detection with seismo-acoustic methods, and holographic radar.