
The growth of smart-sensing technology has made easy the development of more and more complex sensing systems and distributed sensing networks for several application fields such as environmental monitoring, smart transportation, building automation, telemedicine, surveillance etc…

This Technical Commission aims to encourage discussion and knowledge/technological dissemination of research findings in the sensing systems context. Sensing systems are complex systems which are able to sense and measure physical quantities. Thermal cameras, vibrometers, radars, echographer, tomography systems, distributed measurement systems etc.. are just some examples of sensing systems which cannot be simply classified as sensors or transducers. In this scenery, the present TC focuses its activities on investigating the current state of the art and the most recent innovations in this field.

Our main mission is to provide a forum wherein academics, researchers, industry, developers may share their projects, design techniques, system architectures, technological development, innovative deployment and implementation experiences in sensing technologies and systems. It represents a platform of discussion and dissemination in this field and is intended to solicit scientific collaboration, applications to research funding, conference and workshop organization and technological transfer.

Main topics include, but are not limited to:

  • design and development of sensing systems
  • system metrological characterization and testing
  • measurement uncertainty and accuracy
  • maintenance and calibration issues
  • measurement traceability and reliability
  • intelligent management of distributed sensing systems
  • system interfaces and signal conditioning
  • protocols, TEDS, signal treatment
  • data fusion and fault detection




Rosario Morello was born in Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 1978. He received the M.Sc. Degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. Degree in Electrical and Automation Engineering from the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. Since 2005, he has been temporary Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the Department DIIES of the same University. At the moment he is Assistant Professor and his main research interests include the design and characterization of distributed and intelligent measurement systems, wireless sensor network, sensing systems, thermography, environmental monitoring, decision-making problems and measurement uncertainty, process quality assurance, instrumentation reliability and calibration, biomedical applications and statistical signal processing, non-invasive systems, measurement instrumentation and methodologies related to Healthcare Systems.