Sense IT 2.0

09:30 Welcome talk
       Prof. Marcella Trombetta, Responsible of Research for the Department of Engineering,  Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
       Prof. Emiliano Schena, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
10:00 Wearables based on flexible sensors for applications in the Smart Healthcare: from design to test
          Daniela Lo Presti, Post Doc, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
10:45 Fiber optic sensors during thermal ablation of tumors: the importance of temperature mapping
          Elena De Vita, Ph.D. Student, University Parthenope

11:30 Coffee Break

12:00 Multimodal monitoring for user-tailored and natural interaction with rehabilitation and assistive robots
          Loredana Zollo, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
12:45 Monitoring human movement with wearable sensors: clinical and sports perspectives
          Elena Bergamini, Università degli Studi “Foro Italico”

13:30 Light Lunch

The event will involve four invited speakers from academia to report the point of view of women involved in the field of sensors with both different years of experience and different academic positions. The first part of the program is devoted to the presentation of Daniela Lo Presti (Post Doc) and Elena De Vita (Ph.D. Student). Despite their young age, they have already achieved outstanding scientific results in the design, manufacturing and applications of sensors in different fields. In the second part of the event will be focused on the presentations of Loredana Zollo (Full Professor) and Elena Bergamini (Assistant Professor). The speakers will present the milestones of their impressive academic carreer and how the use of sensors has been crucial in their research topics.

The 2nd edition of Sense IT will provide an opportunity to facilitate knowledge sharing fostered by the presentations of the four plenary speakers. In addition, the presence of both young researchers and senior scientists will promote activities of women in programs related to sensors field and more in general in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.

Event Chairs


Prof. Marcella Trombetta

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma


Prof. Emiliano Schena

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma

Keynote Speakers


Loredana Zollo


Elena Bergamini


Daniela Lo Presti


Elena De Vita

Photographies of the event



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