
RF and Microwave sensors are based on circuits and devices operating in the range from few MHz up to the terahertz frequencies.  Such sensors are at the basis of several applications, such as (not exhaustive):

  • Avionic Radars
  • Automotive and mobility Radars
  • UWB Systems
  • General application T/R Systems
  • Resonator Sensors
  • Radiotherapy
  • Bolometers
  • Distance Meters
  • Movements systems
  • Material properties estimation
  • EM measurements

RF and Microwave sensors, therefore, have become more and more attractive in several areas of industry such as avionic and automotive being useful for radars and distance estimation.

The most part of the RF and microwave sensors (except radiometers) generally implement a signal generator and a detector (T/R architecture). Different circuital type of signal modulation can be exploited. The scientific community shows a great interest in solid-state detectors, aims at presently identifying novel architectures and solutions able to enhance detection capability and enlarge scientific applications, opening new challenges in detection field.

The proposed Technical Committee aims to consider innovation aspects of RF and Microwave Sensors circuits and systems for general applications as well as new theoretical ideas. Other scopes are:

  • create and promote active network of researchers involved in the field
  • organize seminars and technical events in the field


Vincenzo Stornelli received the “Laurea” degree (cum laude) in electronic engineering in 2004. In October 2004, he joined the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, where he is involved as Associate Professor of Electronics. His research interests include several topics in circuit and systems for sensors and microwave filters; industrial systems and apparatus, including microwave antenna analysis for outdoor ultrawideband applications and low voltage low power circuits and system for biomedical applications. He serves as a reviewer for several international journals and Editor of the Journal of Circuits, Computers and Systems.

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