GPS in sports: old tech, new uses in team sports and athletics
Motion tracking systems (e.g. GPS) have been used for years in outdoor sports. Due to their practical use, a substantial amount of research into training content, monitoring, injury prevention has been published based on GPS measurements. This research has helped better understand these sports, which has very likely helped (at least a little) improve performance and mitigate injury risk. In this context, we’ve proposed three innovative uses of this “old” technology: first, we’ve used GPS systems to derive linear sprint mechanical variables based on Newtonian laws of motion. Second, we’ve developed an “in-situ” method to analyze football players mechanical profile during practice and games. Finally, we’ve used GPS in elite track-and-field for training content monitoring, and in-race analyses.
Jean-Benoit Morin - Biosketch
Jean-Benoit (JB) Morin is Full Professor at the University of Saint-Etienne (France), Director of the Sports Science Department, and a member of the Interuniversity Laboratory of Human Movement Biology. He is also associate researcher with the Sports Research Institute New-Zealand (SPRINZ) at Auckland University of Technology, and visiting Professor at the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Science at Loughborough University. He obtained a Track & Field Coach National Diploma in 1998 and a Ph.D. in Human Locomotion and Performance in 2004. JB’s field of research is mainly human locomotion and performance, with specific interest in running biomechanics and maximal power movements. He is also a consultant for professional groups in soccer, rugby, sprint, and other power-speed sports.