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Mems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Villa Grumello, Como, LombardiaMems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Villa Grumello, Como, LombardiaMems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Villa Grumello, Como, LombardiaMems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Villa Grumello, Como, LombardiaMems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Villa Grumello, Como, Lombardia- Nessun eventi in programma per Giugno 3, 2023.
Week of Eventi
Ciclo di webinar Nanotecnologie in biologia e medicina (3a edizione)
Ciclo di webinar Nanotecnologie in biologia e medicina (3a edizione)
Il ciclo di webinar, alla sua terza edizione, viene erogato all’interno del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Biomedica, percorso di studi in Nanotecnologie e Sistemi Bioartificiali, ed è aperto al pubblico in forma gratuita. I webinar affronteranno le sfide del design, fabbricazione e caratterizzazione dei materiali alla nanoscala per applicazioni biomediche, mettendo in luce anche gli aspetti di sicurezza collegati all’impiego delle nanotecnologie in medicina. Iscrizione richiesta ---> ISCRIVITI I webinar si svolgeranno sulla piattaforma MS Teams. Nanotecnologie in Biologia e Medicina 2023
Mems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Mems Before And After 2025: From Application Requirements And Theoretical Aspects To Practical Design
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have been one of the most revolutionary technologies for the first two decades of the XXI century. Throughout twenty years, they quickly led first to an unprecedented miniaturization of sensors of various physical quantities (motion, magnetic field, sonic and ultrasonic waves…) and then to the introduction of microscale actuators (mirrors, lenses, speakers). Even more remarkable is their key enabling role towards artificial intelligence systems, robotics, autonomous mobility, remote patient monitoring, virtual reality… which indicates that their development in the next three decades, until 2050, will be even faster, with growing performance and applications. These peculiar systems are often a delicate equilibrium between various physical domains, intuitively including micromechanics, electrics and electronics, but also involving fluidics, acoustics and thermodynamics. Their development thus requires cross fertilization of scientific knowledge in different engineering, physics mathematics and informatics sciences. The goal of the Summer School is to provide the fundamentals of their working principle, with advanced description of a few case studies. Starting from the underlying theoretical bases, key fabrication processes and innovative technologies will be described, with an outlook to future developments. Afterwards, advanced electromechanical and electronics design for accelerometers, gyroscopes, micromirrors and microspeakers will be discussed, including innovative working principles which are under research all over the world. The importance of advanced multi-physics modeling will be presented to students with examples belonging to different physical domains. Finally, taking the advantage of having several MEMS companies in the Lombardia region, an industrial perspective towards the next-generation MEMS era will show the students the paths and the opportunities which are opening up in this exciting field.