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2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT

Naples Naples

Nowadays we are assisting to the fourth industrial revolution. This was the main theme of the World Economy Forum 2016 (WeF), the worldwide foundation organizes each year in Davos a symposium where the main political and economic leaders in the World discuss about the emerging trends of economy, technology, environment and health. The title of the last event was “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the summit launched an alarm: until 2020 at least 5 million of work positions will be…

Lecture “Sports sensors: what should we measure, why and how?”

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma via Alvaro del Portillo, 21, Rome

Andrea Nicolò, PhD Department of Movement Human and Health Sciences, University of Rome “Foro Italico”   Abstract Technological development is helping athletes and exercise practitioners optimize performance and minimize the risk of injury and illness. Yet, monitoring exercise is challenging due to several factors, including motion artefacts and the need to minimize the invasiveness of wearable devices. The challenge is even greater when attempting to extract simple and useful information from a myriad of data that are currently gathered during…

Seminar “SOFA: an open-source solution for collaborations, prototyping and innovation in simulation”

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano Via Giuseppe La Masa, 1, Milano

Lecturer.  Dr. Hugo TALBOT, PhD Abstract. As in many engineering sectors, numerical simulation has become invaluable, namely for medical education, therapy planning, and implant design. However, simulation softwares remain expensive and require a high level of expertise to be used correctly and effectively. SOFA (Software Open Framework Architecture) is an open-source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on medical simulation. This innovative and collaborative tool is developed by a worldwide community of experts in physics simulations and gathers…