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Naples Naples

The event will involve five invited speakers from academia to report the point of view of women involved in the field of sensors with both different years of experience and different academic positions. The first part of the program is devoted to the presentation of Daniela Lo Presti and Elena De Vita. In the second part of the event will be focused on the presentations of Lucia Salvioni, Federica Bianconi and Giuseppina Pacella. The speakers will present the milestones of their impressive academic carreer and how the use of sensors has been crucial in their research topics. The 3rd edition of Sense IT will provide an opportunity to facilitate knowledge sharing fostered by the presentations of the four plenary speakers. In addition, the presence of both young researchers and senior scientists will promote activities of women in programs related to sensors field and more in general in STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.   https://r8.ieee.org/italy-sensors/sense-it-3-0/

2022 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research – IEEE STAR

Sport is one of the most dynamic and promising sectors in terms of investment in research and innovation. Grounded on this evidence, the core purpose of the 2022 IEEE-STAR International workshop is to foster research in technological innovation and excellence in sports equipment, technical materials, training technologies and performance monitoring, fan engagement and healthy lifestyles. Specifically, the event aims to: promote and strengthen relationships, partnerships, alliances and networks between academia and industry in the field of sport innovation; disseminate recent research and technology advancements, discoveries and novel applications to sport; exchange ideas and strengthen cooperation between researchers; increase the public's understanding and awareness of how the practice of sports can positively affect and individual’s quality of life; facilitate the development of new entrepreneurial initiatives in the sportech sector. The event features a comprehensive technical program including panels, technical sessions, and innovative industrial demonstrations. Vertical panels will be an essential element of the IEEE-STAR workshop. Panels will bring together leading representatives from academia and industry to facilitate discussion around key topics and trends. Panel sessions will focus on challenging and emerging issues in all the areas of sports research and innovation. Prospective Authors of papers are invited to submit an abstract of typically 2 pages. The length of the final papers is from 4 to 6 pages. Proceedings papers need to be presented at the event to assure their submission for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Innovative industrial demonstrations will highlight exciting developmemnts across the field of sport innovation. A central role will be assigned to sport tech startups, whch will be offered a chance to introduce and demonstrate their products and services. PDF Conference website

Wearables Challenge

L’IEEE Student Branch dell’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma e l’IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter promuovono la Wearables Challenge. L’obiettivo della Challenge è la realizzazione di sistemi indossabili che consentano: (i) il monitoraggio di parametri vitali o cinematici; (ii) l’acquisizione ed il salvataggio dei dati in real-time; (iii) la stima del parametro di interesse. I lavori sviluppati dai partecipanti saranno valutati in base ai seguenti criteri: 1. Indossabilità del dispositivo; 2. Prestazioni del dispositivo; 3. Originalità della soluzione proposta; 4. Esposizione del lavoro svolto. La commisione valutatrice sarà composta da: Dott. Andrea Rossi Prof. Emiliano Schena Dott. Ing. Carlo Massaroni Dott. Ing. Daniela Lo Presti Dott. Ing. Luigi Raiano Ing. Joshua Di Tocco Dott.ssa Giulia Di Tomaso Dott.ssa Anna Tortoriello Dott. Riccardo Sabbadini PDF DOWNLOAD