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Webinar-L’evoluzione del sistema energetico: la diffusione delle sorgenti di energia rinnovabile, le opportunità e le sfide da affrontare per la gestione e il controllo del sistema elettrico

JOIN LIVE Stiamo attraversando un periodo di grandi cambiamenti nel settore dell’energia e del mondo industriale: la liberalizzazione del mercato elettrico, l’attenzione alle tematiche ambientali, il consolidato utilizzo delle energie rinnovabili, l’uso razionale dell’energia, lo sviluppo di reti elettriche “smart”, l’automazione industriale, i sistemi di trasporto sostenibili ed intelligenti, le applicazioni dell’Information & Communication Technology (reti, data mining, IOT). Il Webinar, dopo una breve introduzione sul sistema elettrico, affronta tematiche di modellistica e controllo ottimo delle sorgenti di energia rinnovabile (intermittenti e poco predicibili) integrate con sistemi di accumulo elettrochimico e di controllo del carico elettrico e termico. L’interazione dell’energia elettrica con sistemi di trasformazione power-to-gas completa un’iniziale panoramica di questi temi di grande attualità che coinvolgono ricercatori di differenti discipline. Saluti di benvenuto Introduzione “Il settore energetico elettrico e lo sviluppo delle rinnovabili: prospettive ed opportunità per la ricerca” Stefano Massucco, Università di Genova “Modellistica e controllo ottimo delle rinnovabili, dei sistemi di accumulo e del carico elettrico” Francesco Conte, Università di Genova e Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma “Power-to-gas: un sistema per l’accumulo di energia elettrica” Marcello De Falco, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma Discussione Conclusioni

Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks Workshop

Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma via Alvaro del Portillo, 21, Rome

Download PDF Abstract: The ballooning IoT phenomena today encompasses wide ranging application scenarios in many sectors, including Smart Cities, Home & Building Automation, Smart Things, Asset Tracking and Industry 4.0. The key elements behind this growth story include the miniaturized and more intelligent sensing and processing hardware based on silicon technologies, several robust and reliable connectivity protocols, and highly refined signal conditioning and power and energy management. The Smart City, Home & Building Automation strategy for a more efficient and sustainable society involves interfacing state-of-the-art metering ICs featuring highly accurate monitoring and control functionality with broader systems integrating microcontrollers, sensors, safety and protection devices in wireless and power-line transmission networks. In Industry 4.0, the concept of Predictive Maintenance to improve industrial tool management is also gaining traction. This technology involves the diagnosis of key symptomatic indicators to allow advanced planning of costly machine care and maintenance, in order to reduce unnecessary or untimely downtime and avoid unrecoverable failures. ST is well positioned to address these markets with state-of-the-art technologies and a wide range of products, thanks to its profound understanding of the building blocks associated with each of these ecosystems. KEYWORDS: #MCU, #ARM, #Cortex #Connectivity, #NFC, #RFID #Bluetooth, #BLE mesh, #RF Sub-GHz, #Sigfox , #LoRA, #Sensors, #MEMS, #Motion, #Environment, #ToF, #Proximity, #Microphone Biography Filippo Colaianni received his M.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Catania, in 2001. He is currently the Technical Marketing Manager at STMicroelectronics, for IoT, Smart City and Home Building Automation, Asset Tracking applications segments. He is responsible for project management, promotion and demand creation for IoT and Industry 4.0, and has accumulated a deep working knowledge of ARM Cortex-M MCU, Connectivity and Sensors products in this role.

Webinar-Sampling methods for physiological signals in Internet of Medical Things systems

JOIN THE MEETING Abstract: Wearable measurement systems have been currently spreading as personal devices for monitoring physiological parameters. In last years, such systems are going to be integrated in Internet of Things (IoT) systems where several acquisition nodes are simultaneously connected and managed. The acquisition nodes must comply the size and energy consumption requirements of wearable devices, while allowing the streaming of sampled signals such as the Electrocardiogram and the respiration wave and providing enough accuracy to guarantee the biosignal integrity. This is even harder when the device is connected to Wide Area Network IoT systems, characterized by a lower bandwidth and a higher power consumption. To face these problems, efficient sampling strategies can be adopted aiming to reduce the data rate to be transmitted and as a consequence the energy consumption. The seminar will present the state of art of sampling methods for physiological signals and will in particular deal with methods based on compressed sensing. Compared with the others, such methods offer a lower computational load on the acquisition node, by moving it to the reception side, which in the case of IoT systems, is usually realized in the cloud. Biography: Luca De Vito received the master’s (cum laude) degree in software engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering from the University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy, in 2001 and 2005, respectively. In 2002 he joined the Laboratory of Signal Processing and Measurement Information, University of Sannio, where he was involved in research activities. In 2008, he joined the Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, as an Assistant Professor in electric and electronic measurement. He became Associate Professor in the same Department in Jan. 2020. In Aug. 2018 he received the National Academic Qualification as Full Professor. He is member of the IEEE since 2010, he is member of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS), of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic System Society, and of the IEEE Standards Association. He is Senior Member of the IEEE since 2012. He member of the Armed Force Communication and Electronics Association (AFCEA) and is Young President of the AFCEA Naples Chapter. He is editor of Measurement and Measurement:Sensors (Elsevier) and Chapter Chair Liaison of the IEEE IMS. He was Technical Program Co-chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) in 2015, 2016 and 2017. He published more than 140 papers on international journals and conference proceedings, mainly dealing with measurements for the telecommunications, data converter testing and biomedical instrumentation.

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