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Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks Workshop
Giugno 11, 2020 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CEST
The ballooning IoT phenomena today encompasses wide ranging application scenarios in many sectors, including Smart Cities, Home & Building Automation, Smart Things, Asset Tracking and Industry 4.0. The key elements behind this growth story include the miniaturized and more intelligent sensing and processing hardware based on silicon technologies, several robust and
reliable connectivity protocols, and highly refined signal conditioning and power and energy management.
The Smart City, Home & Building Automation strategy for a more efficient and sustainable society involves interfacing state-of-the-art metering ICs featuring highly accurate monitoring and control functionality with broader systems integrating microcontrollers, sensors, safety and protection devices in wireless and power-line transmission networks.
In Industry 4.0, the concept of Predictive Maintenance to improve industrial tool management is also gaining traction. This technology involves the diagnosis of key symptomatic indicators to allow advanced planning of costly machine care and maintenance, in order to reduce unnecessary or untimely downtime and avoid unrecoverable failures.
ST is well positioned to address these markets with state-of-the-art technologies and a wide range of products, thanks to its profound understanding of the building blocks associated with each of these ecosystems.
#MCU, #ARM, #Cortex
#Connectivity, #NFC, #RFID #Bluetooth, #BLE mesh, #RF Sub-GHz, #Sigfox , #LoRA, #Sensors, #MEMS, #Motion, #Environment, #ToF, #Proximity, #Microphone
Filippo Colaianni received his M.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Catania, in 2001.
He is currently the Technical Marketing Manager at STMicroelectronics, for IoT, Smart City and Home Building Automation, Asset Tracking applications segments. He is responsible for project management, promotion and demand creation for IoT and Industry 4.0, and has accumulated a deep working knowledge of ARM Cortex-M MCU, Connectivity and Sensors products in this role.