- Questo evento è passato.
Dicembre 16, 2020 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm CET
Here’s a brand-new event collaboratively organized by the IEEE Student Branches of Politecnico di Torino (PoliTo) and Università Campus Bio-Medico (UCBM) of Rome.
Bio-sPitch.D was conceived after the reciprocal recognition of similar events organized by the two branches, where PhD students of these universities discuss their research to share their knowledge with other IEEE members, eventually improving networking. The UCBM Branch of Rome organizes the sPeach.D. (https://edu.ieee.org/it-unicampus/speach-d/), while the PoliTo branch organizes the PitchD (https://r8.ieee.org/sb-polito/pitchd-the-phds-pitch/).
Therefore, we decided to co-organize a brand-new event, named IEEE Bio-sPitch.D., where Andrea (PoliTo) and Joshua (UCBM) will talk about their bio-related PhD research topics.
Joshua Di Tocco (Università Campus Bio-Medico) will present a talk entitled: “Smart textiles for respiratory rate and joint monitoring”
Andrea Mongardi (Politecnico di Torino) will present a talk entitled “A bio-inspired embedded system for sEMG-based gesture recognition”
– Date: 16 December 2020 – 5.30 PM
– Location: YouTube
The event will be the first opportunity for us to improve the collaboration and networking among italian IEEE Student Branches. Join us to listen to their pitches and to meet the members of the other student branch. The event will be streamed on the Politecnico di Torino IEEE Student Branch YouTube channel!
The event will be supported by:
– IEEE Women in Engineering Politecnico di Torino
– IEEE Italy Section
– IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter
– IEEE youngprofessional Affinity Group Italy
– www.ingegneriabiomedica.org
UCBM official page: https://edu.ieee.org/it-unicampus/ieee-bio-spitch-d-ucbm-polito/
PoliTo official page: https://r8.ieee.org/sb-polito/ieee-bio-spitch-d-ucbm-polito/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/IEEEPoliTOStudentBranch