[vc_custom_heading text=”Dive in a technical committee” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”]
The taxonomy of the Chapter is structured in three categories: Applications, Measurand, and technology.
For each category, several technical committees have been founded.
The activities of the committees are related to their specific topic and are focused on the organization of technical events, evaluation of award ‘s candidates, and interaction with industry.

Chair: Carlo Massaroni 

Wearable Sensors are a special family of measurement system, developed to perform the unobstructive monitoring of physiological parameter.

Chair: Lorenzo Capineri

This Technical Commission is focused on the research and dissemination activities carried out by the members working on ultrasonic transducers and sensors for biomedicine, non-destructive-testing, industry, and robotics.

Chair: Lucia Beccai

Soft sensor or virtual sensor is a common name for software where several measurements are processed together. Commonly soft sensors are based on control theory and also receive the name of state observer. There may be dozens or even hundreds of measurements. The interaction of the signals can be used for calculating new quantities that need not be measured. Soft sensors are especially useful in data fusion, where measurements of different characteristics and dynamics are combined. It can be used for fault diagnosis as well as control applications.

Chair: Alessandro Tognetti

The technical committee is focused on the research and dissemination activities carried out by the members working on textile sensors for biomedicine, unobtrusive monitoring and robotics.

Chair: Lorenzo Scalise

The correct selection of the many available sensors, their metrological proprieties, the correct insertion of such sensors in the measurement chain, and the possibility to process and transmit such measured quantities to a central unit are some of the aspects of interest of this Technical Committee.

Chair: Aimè Lay Ekuakille

Nanosensors are nanoscale devices that reveal physical quantities and convert them into signals that can be detected and further analyzed. They play a key role in nowadays wide applications thanks to robust research activities backed by scientists and researchers. In general, whilst sensors are studied using classical approach, nanosensors are (and must be) designed and constructed by means of quantum theory.  The TC aims at collecting national and international experiences on the topic. Connections with other similar TCs are welcome.

Chair: Stefania Campopiano & Agostino Iadicicco

Fibers have many uses in remote sensing. Depending on the application, fiber may be used because of its small size, or because no electrical power is needed at the remote location, or because many sensors can be multiplexed along the length of a fiber by using light wavelength shift for each sensor, or by sensing the time delay as light passes along the fiber through each sensor

Chair: Elena Bergamini

Biomechanics applies mechanical principles to study the movement (kinematics) and its causes (dynamics) in living organisms. At a macroscopic level, biomechanics deals with the quantitative observation of how humans move, providing information about the functions of the locomotor sub-systems and the overall strategy with which a motor activity is executed. Thanks to technological advancements, an understanding of these functions and strategies can be gained from measurements provided by non-invasive sensors, which allow for monitoring human movement in the laboratory and, in some cases, in daily life contexts. These sensors measure physical quantities related to the executed motion (force, pressure, acceleration, velocity…) from which kinematic and dynamic parameters can be estimated either in the clinical or sports context.

Chair: Maurizio Valle

Tactile sensing is a complex task which must be accomplished in an effective way (e.g. real-time response, lightweight, low power consumption, etc.).

Chair: Andrea De Marcellis

The optoelectronics concerns electronic devices interacting with the light interfacing electrical and optical domains. In particular, the photodetection, operating an optical-to-electrical transduction, represent an important task in sensing systems and optical communications and can be performed by different optical sensing devices.

Chair: Paolo Chiariotti

Noise and vibration are topics that have always interested the scientific community. The technological improvements characterizing the evolution of acoustic (e.g. from capacitive to MEMS microphones) and vibration sensors (e.g. MEMS accelerometers or non-contact device as laser Doppler Vibrometers) have made it possible the growth of knowledge in these areas and their application to broad and different fields, from dynamic testing, machine diagnostics to physiological sensing.

Chair: Rosario Morello

This Technical Commission aims to encourage discussion and knowledge/technological dissemination of research findings in the sensing systems context. Sensing systems are complex systems which are able to sense and measure physical quantities.

Chair: Luca Vollero

The availability of cheap COTS microcontrollers and analogue sensors, and the diffusion of the IoT paradigm fostered and are encouraging the implementation of digital sensors that mix sensing capabilities with computing and communication functionalities.

Chair: Giuseppe Ferri

The electronic interface is particularly important in both sensor and sensor systems. A suitable sensor interface has to be able to adapt itself to different kinds of sensors whatever the measurand may be, through appropriate electronic circuits, and to improve signal processing by suitable circuit design able to reduce as much as possible the electronic noise.

Chair: Nicola Donato

Chemical sensors based on electrical and electrochemical transduction principles have attracted intensive research interest in the past years and have been used for a wide range of applications, due to their numerous advantages, like small sizes, high sensitivities in detecting very low concentrations of gas in gaseous mixtures or analytes in liquids (at ppb and nanomolar concentration level, or less, respectively), possibility of on-line measurements and low cost.

Chair: Eduardo Palermo

The development of MEMS technology experienced during the last two decades, paved the way for the realization of IMUs of reduced dimensions and weight, becoming a compatible solution to human motion analysis, as an alternative to traditional mocap techniques.

Chair: Stefano Salvatori

The principle of operation of particle or radiation detectors is the transfer of all or part of the energy of the impinging source at the mass of the detector. All modern detectors essentially provide a type of electrical response.

Chair: Andrea Nicolò

The main aim of this technical committee is to bridge the gap between applied scientists and sensor developers, by promoting fruitful interactions between researchers from different fields, sports companies, federations and clubs.

Chair: Susanna Spinsante

This TC aims to promote research contributions on RGBD sensors as measurement devices, focusing on the characterization and assessment of their performance in different operating conditions, from lab scenarios to more challenging deployment “in the wild”.

Chair: Vincenzo Stornelli

RF and Microwave sensors operating at low and very high frequencies, up to the THz range, have become necessary in several areas of industry applications such as avionic and automotive being useful for radars and distance estimation.

Chair: Laura Fabbiano

Fluidynamics laws govern and describe an enormous kind of physical problems, in any field where you can recognize a flow (fluid, mass, traffic, money, virus, and so on), even in any living organisms, human, animal or vegetal.

Chair: Emanuele Cardillo

In recent years, microwave and millimeter-wave radars are showing a disruptive impact in terms of reliability, operative performances, and multiplicity of provided sensing information.