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IEEE, an association dedicated to the fostering of technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.
The foundation of the Italy Chapter was motivated by the specific Italian landscape related to the Italian activities in several fields related to sensors.
These activities are fragmented due to different technologies used for sensors design, different approaches for estimating the same type of measurand, different applications in which the sensor plays a crucial role.
This geographic unit aims at aggregating this fragmented scenario to establish a dynamic network involving people interested in sensors field, to consolidate collaborations among researchers from academia and industry, to form a rich environment to exchange new knowledge and ideas, to foster cross-fertilization among different application domains, and to develop a fertile environment for young professionals and students working in this field.
Chapter’s activities will be devoted, but not limited, to the following topics: Physical, chemical, optical sensors, biosensors, micro- and nano-sensors, sensor networks and communication, signal conditioning and processing, signal analysis, information fusion and compression, translation of novel sensor technologies from research to industry and applications of sensors in industry, with specific reference to their role in Industry 4.0, in life science, in clinical domains, in aerospace, in agriculture, in robotics, and in structure monitoring.
The framework of the Chapter includes several technical committes deputed to the better organization of activities on the national territory and to the subdivision for specific themes of interest.
When you join the Italy chapter of the IEEE Sensors Council, you join a community of over 500 technology and engineering professionals united by a common desire to continuously learn, interact, collaborate, and innovate.

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The italian chapter is part of Region 8 of IEEE. Region 8 includes Europe, Middle East and Africa. Region 8 is an effectively organized, dynamic and influential entity, recognized as a leading and esteemed part of a truly transnational IEEE, with IEEE benefits equally available to all members.

IEEE is divided into ten worldwide geographic regions. Within the regions, there are local sections, chapters, and affinity groups. Together, these units conduct over 10,000 meetings a year and enable members to network and explore their technical interests as a community.