Miniaturisation of Optical Spectrometers, Seminar in Naples
The IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, in collaboration with the DIETI Department by UNINA and CNR, is pleased to invite you to the seminar of Tawfique Hasan, Professor of NanoEngineering at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, leader of the NanoEngineering research group and IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer 2024.
Thursday, 14 November 2024, 12:30
DIETI – UNINA | AULA CL I6 palazzina 1 | Via Claudio 21, Naples

12:30 Antigone Marino, IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter President
12:45 Giovanni Breglio, DIETI,UNINA
13:00 Tawfique Hasan, Miniaturisation of Optical Spectrometers
Optical spectroscopy is widely used in the analysis of non-contact materials. Although laboratory bench-top spectrometers offer excellent resolution, range and sensitivity, their miniaturisation is crucial for portable applications demanding indicative but instantaneous results. Among the recent developments in scaled-down spectrometers, an increasingly popular strategy is to use ‘reconstructive’ or ‘computational’ algorithm-based devices. Typically featuring spectral encoders with known optical responses, the measured electrical signals in such devices are combined to ‘approximate’ the incident spectrum through these algorithms. I will present an evolution of spectrometer miniaturisation over the past 30 years and give examples of such disruptive concepts shaping future device technologies towards intelligent light field detection. For early career researchers and students of the chapter, I will also briefly share the lessons I learned from moving across the disciplines.
Tawfique Hasan is a Professor of NanoEngineering at the Cambridge University Engineering Department and leads the NanoEngineering research group ( He is also the Deputy Head of Electrical Engineering. He gained his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge in 2009, a Master’s in Analog Microelectronics from the University of New South Wales, Australia and a Bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh.
Since his PhD, he has held several research positions at Cambridge, including a junior Research Fellowship at Kings College, Cambridge, a National Science Foundation China Foreign Young Scientist Research Fellowship, and a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship. Professor Hasan is a Professorial Fellow and a Director of Studies in Engineering at Churchill College, Cambridge. He is also an Editorial Board Member of Advanced Photonics and a Fellow of Optica.
Organized by
Antigone Marino, President of the IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter
Giovanni Breglio, Full Professor, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione, UNINA