Seminar by M. Sc. Marco Schiano TELECOM ITALIA

24/05/2016, h 14:00

Aula Seminari Ex-Dipartimento di Elettronica – Floor D Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione


This presentation offers a survey of wavelength switching technologies and transmission systems based on phase modulation and coherent detection including the next generation systems based on flexible organization of the optical spectrum. The benefits of these technologies applied to the new Telecom Italia photonic backbone Kaleidon are also described. Bio: Marco Schiano is in the Transport Innovation group of Telecom Italia where he works on the progress of backbone and metro optical networks. He has been the Coordinator of the IST-NOBEL project funded by the European Commission. His current interests include transparent optical networks, ultra-high capacity transmission systems, and network dimensioning and optimization. He is co-author of more than forty publications and four patents.

Organizer Prof. Silvano Donati