
International School of Photonics

International School of Photonics on “Biophotonics at the nanoscale: from smart nanomaterials to advanced optical technologies for life, environmental science and nanomedicine”, Erice in Sicily,  in  August 26-31, 2023

The Italian Chapter of IEEE Photonics Society in collaboration with the Italian Liquid Crystal Society (SICL)  organizes the International School on …

Best PhD Thesis Award 2023

The IEEE Photonics Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished work by young PhD doctors in the field of Applied Photonics (lasers, optical-physics, photonics technologies and devices) through presentation of an Award for the “Best Doctoral Thesis” discussed in an Italian University. The Award consists in an honorarium of 500 Euro …

Best PhD Thesis Award 2022

The IEEE Photonics Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished work by young Ph.D. doctors in the field of Applied Photonics (lasers, optical-physics, photonics technologies and devices) through presentation of an Award for the “Best Doctoral Thesis” discussed in an Italian University.

Eligibilty requirements for the award:

to be a …

PhD position openings

Prof. Silvano Donati (Prof. Emeritus of University of Pavia), founder of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Photonics Society, highlights PhD positions on “Health and safety procedures to assess next generation lasers for industrial, medical and civil applications” published at page 29 of the call which can …

New edition of ‘Photodetectors – Devices, Circuits and Applications’

“Photodetectors – Devices, Circuits and Applications”, 2nd edition (amended and expanded) authored by Silvano Donati was published by J. Wiley and IEEE Press Oxford, 2020, ISBN 9781119769910 (hardback), price: US$ 140, ISBN 9781119769934 (pdf), ISBN 9781119769941 (epub).

You can purchase the book at

ICTON 2020 – International Conference on Trasparent Optical Networks

Bari, Italy – July, 19th-23rd 2020

The scope of the Conference and co-located events is focused on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing, sensing, and novel fields.

Authors are cordially encouraged to submit the contributions(recommended length 4 pages in MS Word accompanied by a PDF …

Best PhD Thesis Award 2020

The IEEE Photonics Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished work by young Ph.D. doctors in the field of Applied Photonics (lasers, optical-physics, photonics technologies and devices) through presentation of an Award for the “Best Doctoral Thesis” discussed in an Italian University. The Award consists in an honorarium …

ICOP 2020 Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics

Università di Parma – June, 9th-11th 2020

The Italian Conference on Optics and Photonics aims to bring together researchers from all over Italy and worldwide, networking and exchanging their research developments in the field of Optics and Photonics, in a stimulating and multidisciplinary forum.The Conference will establish as a …