
1st International School on Nano-Tooling

1st International School on Nano-ToolingManipulating, Shaping and Functionalizing the Matter30-31 March2017 Pozzuoli (NA) Italy

The scope of NANOTOOLING School is to provide a two-days full-immersion training on 6 advanced technologies:

Holographic Lithography

E-Beam Lithography;

Magnetic Nanosensing

Advanced Inkjet Printing & Additive Manufacturing at Nanoscale

Functional …

Photonic crystal fibers, properties and applications

Il 27 marzo 2017 l’IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter, l’Università degli Studi di Catania e l’INFN-LNS hanno ospitato il seminario del Prof. Stefano Selleri dell’Università di Parma, “Photonic crystal fibers, properties and applications – Fibre a cristallo fotonico, proprietà e applicazioni”

27/03/2017, h 11.00Presso INFN, Laboratori Nazionali …

Anno Internazionale della Luce all’Università di Parma

L’Università degli Studi di Parma, con la co-organizzazione di Comune di Parma e IMEM–CNR ed in sinergia con numerosi altri soggetti ed istituzioni, organizza e promuove una serie di manifestazioni in occasione dell’Anno Internazionale della Luce e delle tecnologie fondate sulla luce (IYL), proclamato dall’ONU …

1st International School of the IEEE Photonics Society – Italy Chapter

International school organized by the IEEE Photonics Society – Italy Chapter is on

Photonic Integration: advanced materials, new technologies and applications

The school is aimed to PhD students and Post-docs in Engineering and Physics in the field of photonics technologies. Photonic integration is the key issue of …

ICTON 2016

The National Institute of Telecommunications, Department of Transmission and Optical Technologies in Warsaw, together with the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the National Research Council (IFN-CNR), Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), University of Trento and the IEEE Photonics Society Italian and Poland Chapters organized the 18th …


FOTONICA 2016 organized by AEIT and AICT (in colalboration with the IEEE Photonics Society – Italy Chapter) took take place in Roma, Italy, on June 6 – 8, 2016.

FOTONICA1026 Full program

Parma Photonics Seminars

Over the coming decades photonics will impact most areas of our lives, revolutionizing societies and industries around the globe. Photonics will enable the development of the future internet infrastructure with multi-terabit capacity, innovative laser processes, radical new approaches to healthcare, the transition into new lighting …

Fotonica in Gioco

Fotonica in Gioco è un concorso a premi aperto a singoli studenti, a gruppi o a classi intere di tutte le Scuole Secondarie di Secondo Grado italiane.

Lo scopo del concorso è ideare e realizzare un gioco da tavolo originale che tratti i temi della fotonica …