Posts tagged with: Women in Engineering

Report: IEEE Greece Section WIE AG 1st Panhellenic Meetup

IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group successfully
organized the 1st Panhellenic Meetup on Friday 9th of October 2020.
During this event WIE was introduced to the broader public and offered
the opportunity to meet inspiring women. Asimina Kiourti, Assistant
Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the …

IEEE Week 2020

The IEEE Greece Section will celebrate the IEEE Day and its 50th Anniversary with a series of online events organised by its Chapters and Affinity Groups in the first week of October! More information about the events will be released soon!

IEEE Greece Section WIE AG 1st Panhellenic Meetup

The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group organizes its 1st Panhellenic Meetup on Friday 9th of October 2020 at 17:00 through Zoom platform. During this event we will introduce WIE to the broader public and offer an opportunity to meet inspiring women.
Asimina Kiourti, …

What does WIE mean for you? Send us your Video!

What does Women in Engineering mean for you?
This is your chance to send us a short video that you will see very soon!
We want to communicate what Women in Engineering really are, a global community. Let’s share what WIE really means to us and invite …

Report: COVID-19 and changes in the work situation: How can we survive?

Our webinar “COVID-19 and changes in the work situation: How can we survive?”, presented by Despoina Xanthopoulou, Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, AUTH, was successfully held on 10/06/2020.
Significant changes in all aspects of work and personal life due to COVID-19 pandemic period, …

IEEE Greece WIE Facebook Page, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram

We are pleased to announce that the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group has just released a new Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram!
If you want to learn more news about the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group you can follow …

Webinar: COVID-19 and changes in working conditions: How can we survive?

The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group organizes the following webinar “COVID-19 and changes in working conditions: How can we survive?” on Wednesday 10 June at 18:00 through Cisco WebEx platform. 
The lecture will be given by Despoina Xanthopoulou, Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology …

Soft skills Workshop

The IEEE Greece Section, in collaboration with the IEEE Young Professionals Greece, the IEEE Women in Engineering Greece, and the IEEE National Technical University of Athens Student Branch organize an online Soft Skills Workshop on Thursday 30/4/20 at 18:30!
Soft skills vs Hard skills
What are the …