International women’s day gives us the opportunity to discuss and think about certain issues. For this reason, the IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Student Branch of the University of Patras with the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group are organizing an event that will approach topics such as:

  • Motherhood and the challenges of working women.
  • The opportunities (or lack there of) that a woman gets during their school education in order to pursue a career in the STEM fields.

Our speakers will be:

  • Voyiatzaki, Research/Teaching Assistant at the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department at the University of Patras
  • Rouni Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering – NTUA, Board member of the Greek Women Engineer Association.

When? – Wednesday 9/3 at 18:00 – 20:00 (GMT +2)

Where? – Zoom platform.

Please fill in the following form to get the Zoom link!

Title of presentation:

 “Female students in STEM: Current situation and tools to attract and support them”.

Panagiota Rouni, National Technical University of Athens, Greek Women’s Engineering Association


The percentage of female students in the faculties of the technical universities is lower than the percentage of male students. The common causes of male stereotypes and high professional responsibilities are mentioned most of the times. Are there any additional causes? What about the girls and female students who choose engineering studies? Are there any initiatives and tools to support them? Engineering is a fruitful future for women?  Upgrading professional orientation during secondary education, enrichment of studies at Technical Universities could be some of the policies for the successful inclusion of women engineers in the technical sector of our country.

Short CV

Panagiota ROUNI: Born in 1970. Dipl. Mechanical Engineer, National Technical University of Athens. PhD. in  ‘Analysis of environmental samples using Nuclear techniques’ at the National Technical University of Athens. Specialized in ‘Radiation protection & the safety of radiation sources’. Currently, she is Lecturer at the Mechanical Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens.

She is active in the Greek Women’s Engineering Association. She was elected to the board and President for two tenures.

For EDEM she coordinated projects funding by European and national funds:

  • ‘EUMENTORSTEM – Creation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in STEM’. Erasmus plus (2017-2019).
  • “Women declare their active role for the protection of the Environment – The gender perspective on the Environment”, funded by EU and Greece (2012 – 2014).
  • GRUNDTVIG ‘Women Educator in Mentoring -We: Mentor’ (2010-2012).

She also participated in the projects:

  • ‘Engineer for the Future -Engine4F’, Erasmus plus (2014-2017).
  • WOMENG ‘Creating cultures of success for women engineers’, (2004-2005).

She is a member of the Gender Equality Committee at the National Technical University of Athens.


Title of presentation:

“MANAenGineER, MaNa-gment, Multitasking, Mentoring and More”

Eleni Voyiatzaki is a graduate of the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (CEID), and doctor of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Technology of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patra. Since 2019 she is a laboratory lecturer in CEID.

She worked as an analyst at the CTI Research and Technology Institute (now Diofantos), and later coordinated European Projects at the University of Patras. She was co-founder of KNOWLEDGE SA (1989) and worked there as an EU program coordinator, Product Manager, and Manager of Technical Support until 1998. She worked as an ICT teacher in Secondary Education from 1998 to 2019. During this period she participated in various European programs (Comenius, Erasmus) and national projects. Today she is scientifically responsible for two ERASMUS projects.

She has published over 25 papers in scientific conferences and peer-reviewed journals. Her research interests are in HCI with applications in eGovernment and eLearning.