Enhance gender balance in STEM fields

The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group celebrates the International Women’s Day by organizing the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Week 2021.
The first day of the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Week 2021, on Monday 8th March at 18:00, a lecture entitled “Enhance gender balance in STEM fields” will be given by Dr Maria Flouri.
If you are interested in participating please find the registration link here:
Abstract: Statistics have shown that during a typical academic career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM), women are highly underrepresented. Additionally, it has been observed that even though the female representation ratio at an undergraduate and postgraduate level seems to increase, after the completion of a PhD and the beginning of the academic development, the female representation ratio drops significantly (Eurostat; 2015, SHE Figures, 2018). Similar to the European statistics have been observed in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering – NTUA, which as an answer participates in the “CALIPER – Gender Equality in STEM” project. Through this participation the ECE School has two major objectives: 1. To design and implement a viable and tailor-made Gender Equality Plan and, 2. To transfer the gained knowledge, experience and best practices to a local Research and Innovation Hub. Main goal is to become more gender equal by increasing the number of female researchers, improving their career prospects and integrating a gender dimension in research.
Biography: Ms. Maria Flouri holds an Economist degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) (1999 – 2004), an M. Sc in Techno-Economic Systems from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) (2005 – 2007) and a PhD in security of energy supply from the ECE School NTUA (2016). Since 2017 she is a Teaching and Research Laboratory Associate in the DSS Laboratory of ECE NTUA School. Her research activities focus, not only on the identification and support of energy policy and energy security decisions, but also on issues of enhancing gender equality in STEM, equality policies and strategies, elimination of inequalities etc. She has participated in various research projects in areas such as knowledge transfer on climate policies, evaluation of interdependencies between policies, creation of energy learning networks, evaluation of the implementation of EU directives in the energy community, assessment of the security of energy supply etc. Since the last year she is participating in CALIPER project – – Gender Equality in STEM Research, while she is member of the Gender Equality Committee of NTUA. She has 11 publications in scientific journals, conferences and book chapters and has been awarded an honored Scholarship by the State Scholarships Foundation.