The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group and the IEEE Greece Section Young Professionals Affinity Group organize an online coffee talk with title “Operation and planning of smart distribution networks – challenges and current trends” with Dr Angelina Syrri on Wednesday 25 January at 18:30 via Microsoft Teams.


If you are interested in participating, please use the following link to join the meeting:



Operation and planning of smart distribution networks – challenges and current trends

The decarbonization of the energy sector and the increase of share of renewable sources to the energy production are considered as the main steps towards the directions of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. Also, the current energy and geopolitical crisis, urge for regulations that support the transformation of Europe’s energy system.

But how is the current energy system changing? Increased automation, which facilitates active network management, increased number of distributed energy resources installed into the grid, various emerging trends, such as demand response, microgrids, energy communities, flexible resources such as heat pumps or electric vehicles, all these shape current distribution networks and affect the operation and planning philosophy.  Flexibility can be leveraged by aggregators to offer balancing and congestion management services to the power system. Then, existing infrastructure could be fully unlocked for normal operating conditions, avoiding or delaying reinforcement of the grid and at the same time allowing distribution system operators to offer uninterrupted power delivery to end consumers at all times.


Short bio:

Angelina Syrri is a Senior Researcher at the Smart RUE group (Smart grids Research Unit of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School), of the Electric Energy Systems Laboratory, EEE, NTUA. Main activities include the supervision and execution of research work within European research programs and supervision of (under)graduate students. She is currently working on the development of energy applications targeting distribution network operators. Services offered include optimal network operation, congestion management, design, planning and upgrading of electricity networks.

Her research interests focus on flexibility services from distributed energy resources to DSO/TSO through aggregation, day-ahead, intra-day and capacity markets, congestion management mechanisms, including time series and statistical analysis of smart meter data, and integration of multi-energy resources among others. 

Before joining Smart RUE in 2020, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark (CEE Elektro-DTU). During her stay at DTU (2018-2020) she worked on national and research projects (MAGNITUDE, ECOGRID, INTERPRETER) and participated in teaching courses in the postgraduate program. 

Previously, she worked as an energy and analytics consultant at EY Greece (2016 – 2017). 

Angelina holds a PhD degree from the University of Manchester (2016) and a Diploma in Electrical and

Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece (2012). 

During her PhD she worked on reliability and risk assessment of future distribution networks and planning under uncertainty, while her undergraduate thesis was about electric vehicle integration in the power system.

She is a member of the IEEE and the Technical Chamber of Greece.