The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group organizes its first coffee talk with Anna Sachinopoulou on Thursday 14 January at 20:00 via Zoom platform. Anna Sachinopoulou, researcher in Optoelectronics, Digital Health and Digital Transformation at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, will present her research interests and challenges that she has faced during her career development.

If you are interested in participating, please fill the registration form below in advance and submit it by the beginning of the coffee talk:

Short Bio: Anna Sachinopoulou, MSc. in Physics, has been a researcher for 26 years, starting her career in the Netherlands, at the Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, (1994) working on collimator scatter factor estimation and, at the Laser Center, AMC, Amsterdam, (1995-1996), setting-up the research on Transmyocardial Revascularization by lasers. She moved to Finland at the end of 1996 and worked on Isotope Brain Images Analysis at the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory the Oulu University Hospital (1996-1997). She started her career in VTT, in 1998, as a researcher in Optoelectronics, in various projects and later in Knowledge Engineering and Information Technology. Her main research interests have been intelligent information management using ontologies and visualization, and measuring impact that technological achievements have on people and their health. She has been working as project manager in various national and European projects in fields of environment, food processing, health, wellbeing, communications, internet services and robotics. For the period of 2012-2017, she was a coordinator at the Centre for Health and Technology, one of the innovation centers of the Oulu Innovation Alliance, dealing mainly with the transfer of research results and achievements in the field of health technology to real world services and products, through collaboration of all relevant stakeholders.