Gender Equality policies at Greek Universities
The IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group celebrates the International Women’s Day by organizing the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Week 2022.
We are very excited to host three women speakers Dr Riva Lava, Dr Dimitra Kogkidou and Eleni Karachaliou, during the first day of the IEEE Greece Section Women in Engineering Week 2022, on Tuesday 8th March at 18:00.
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Speech 1
Title: “The Gender Equality Committee of the National Technical University of Athens Thoughts, Actions, Perspectives”
Speaker: Dr Riva Lava, President of the Gender Equality Committee of N.T.U.A.
Abstract: The presentation reflects on the first year of the newly founded Gender Equality Committee of the National Technical University of Athens, introducing to the public its members and the activity of the committee since its establishment. Milestones achieved, such as the amendments of the NTUA regulatory frame and the compilation of a first Action Plan, are discussed in detail; furthermore, the perspectives for research and collaboration, as well as aspects pertaining to women architects and engineers in Greece are brought into the discussion.
Short bio: Riva Lava is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens teaching Architectural Design and Heritage. She is a licensed architect and engineer (National Technical University of Athens / Cooper Union, New York) and holds a Ph.D. in architecture (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). She has lived and worked in Athens and New York City. She taught design and heritage courses the Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, (2017), the MA course “Art and Architecture in the Black Sea” at the International Hellenic University (2011–13), architectural design at the University of Thessaly (2009–13), architectural and urban design at Pratt Institute New York (1997–98), and communication at the Nafplion Fine Arts School of the University of the Peloponnese (2005–09). She published the book “Santorini Mindscapes” featuring her teaching at NTUA. Riva Lava participated in the HORIZON 2020 “SoPHIA” project for the impact assessment of cultural heritage, EU heritage research programs for the preservation of Greek art and architecture (BYZEIS), edited the university textbook “Issues of Cultural Heritage” (2010/2020), and participated at the “Architecture as Icon” project of the Princeton University. She has published numerous articles on architecture and has produced a series of shows featuring urban aspects of Athens for Greek Public Television (ERT). She has worked as head of the technical department for the Organisation against Drugs (OKANA) and has been special advisor to the public order ministry on the problems caused in the historical center of Athens due to heavy migrant inflows (2010). She is presently Head of the Gender Equality Committee of the NTUA.
Speech 2
Title: Gender Equality Strategy and Key Priority Areas of AUTh Gender Equality Committee
Speaker: Dimitra Kogkidou, Professor of psychology, Faculty of Education, School of Primary Education, President of AUTh Gender Equality Committee, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Abstract: As no previously established measures on gender equality existed, Gender Equality Committee over the past 6 years (2015-2021) highlighted the importance to set solid basis for the enhancement of Gender Equality in some aspects of its operation areas, such as sexism in language, sexual harassment, gender studies. Gender Equality Committee organized numerous meetings/seminars/awareness raising and training activities on these topics open to the academic community and the general public.
As regards the human resources area main goal was the creation of an inclusive environment by establishing of formal procedures to handle incidents of bias and sexist behaviour, in the communication area importance has been put upon overcoming sexism in language with the promotion of inclusive language in administrative documents and gender sensitive internal and external communication. Regarding sexual harassment and gender violence area main goal was the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to frame, prevent and handle gender violence/sexual harassment issues.
One main goal of AUTh Gender Equality Committee was the establishment of Gender Equality Office and the creation of a network of ‘’Gender Equality Committees’’.
Short bio: Dimitra Kogidou is mainly involved in research work on issues of poverty and social exclusion, families and family policies (with emphasis on single parent families), as well as on gender studies (with emphasis on issues of antisexist education, gender identities and discrimination, gender violence, homophobia and gender and toys) and has published a great number of articles on the above issues. She teaches courses about gender identities, gender and education, families, Antiracist, antisexist and cross-cultural education, social exclusion and gender and toys. She was Dean of the Faculty of Education, Director of the Postgraduate Program of Studies at the School of Primary Education and today is President of A.U.Th. Gender Equality Committee and coordinator of the network of ‘’Gender Equality Committees’’.
Speech 3
Title: Getting started with a GEP – Analysing and assessing the state-of-play in the institution
Speaker: Eleni Karachaliou
Abstract: RESET is a Coordination and Support Action project funded by the European Union under the Horizon2020 programme, and the call “H2020-SwafS-2020-1”. RESET involves seven large multidisciplinary universities from all over Europe (University of Bordeaux, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Łódź, University of Porto, Ruhr-University Bochum, University of Oulu, Sciences Po Paris). The project aims to address the challenge of Gender Equality in Research Institutions. Through the design and implementation of a user-centered, impact-driven and inclusive vision of scientific excellence RESET will work towards changing the institutional cultural framework to anchor equality and diversity. During the project duration the University of Bordeaux, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Łódź, and the University of Porto endeavour to accomplish institutional change through the co-design and implementation of fully-fledged and tailor-made Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) for the first time. One of the first actions of the project concerned the implementation of data collection regarding experiences and views of institution’s members on gender equality in the context of ” Scientific Research and Excellence”. The information collected will feed in the co-designing of actions for the promotion of gender equality at the RESET partners’ Universities focusing on the end users.
Short bio: Mrs. Eleni Karachaliou holds a MEng in Urban/Spatial Planning & Development Engineering from the Engineering Faculty of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) and a Master’s degree in Geoinformatics, also from AUTH, as a fellow of the Onassis Foundation (2014-2015). Currently, she is a PhD candidate at the School of Urban/Spatial Planning & Development in AUTh. she has more than 8 years’ experience in national and international research, development, and innovation projects in several sectors as a research associate, consultant, and project manager. She is part of the team designing and developing the 1st Gender Equality Plan of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.