The IEEE Greece Section celebrates 50 years of service with a series of online events organised by its Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches!

Do you want to learn more about IEEE Student and Young Professional (YP) activities in Greece and e-meet students and YPs from every corner of Greece? Do you want to find out how you can get involved in a huge IEEE family that shares the same passion for technology and humanity?

If the answer is yes, join us on Tuesday, December 22, at 18:00 in the 2nd IEEE Greece Section SBs Meetup which will be held online! The YP Greece Affinity Group, the WiE Affinity Group and 12 SBs located in different cities in Greece will present their work over the past year and their future plans! Don’t miss the chance to become a part of our community! The presentations will be delivered in Greek.


If you are interested to participate, please fill the application form and submit it by 21/12/20!