The 24th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations was held at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens on November 29, 2024.

The event featured 12 presentations.

The first prize was awarded to:

Mr. Nikolaos Zoidis (National Technical University of Athens)

Thesis title: (EN) Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Short-Term Forecasting of Photovoltaic Power Production and Implementation in the Energy Market


23rd Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2023.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: Niki Gkonou

Thesis title: (GR) Διαστασιολόγηση Sheath Voltage Limiters σε καλώδια ισχύος αιολικών πάρκων

22th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2022.

Location: Democritus University of Thrace

First Prize Award: Nikolaos Delianidis

Thesis title: (EN) Investigation of the smart PV cell – (GR) Μελέτη του έξυπνου φωτοβολταϊκού στοιχείου (SmartPV))

21th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2019.

Location: Democritus University of Thrace

First Prize Award: Emrach Zoumpre

Thesis title: Aνάλυση Λειτουργίας Ηλεκτρονόμου Απώλειας Διεγέρσεως Σύγχρονης Γεννήτριας

20th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2018.

Location: National Technical University of Athens

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

19th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2017.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

18th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2016.

Location: Democritus University of Thrace

First Prize Award: Natalia-Maria Zografou-Barredo

Thesis title: Αποκεντρωμένη Βέλτιστη Κατανομή Φορτίου Μικροδίκτυου

17th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2015.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: Mr. Konstantinos Kotsalos

Thesis title: Αποκεντρωμένη ρύθμιση τάσης σε ακτινικά δίκτυα διανομής με υψηλή διείσδυση διεσπαρμένης παραγωγής

16th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2014.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

15th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2013.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

14th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2012.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: D. Gyparakis

Thesis title: Μελέτη και κατασκευή ηλεκτρονικού μετατροπέα με στόχο τον έλεγχο κινητήρα μονίμων μαγνητών για εφαρμογές ηλεκτροκίνησης

13th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2011.

Location: Hotel Athens Imperial, Athens

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

12th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2010.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award: Evangelos Polymeneas

Thesis title: Πρόγραμμα μακροπρόθεσμης προσομοίωσης ΣΗΕ με συνεχή και διακριτή δυναμική

11th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2009.

Location: Hotel Athens Imperial, Athens

First Prize Award: Asimakopoulos, Mpoumis, Patsias

Thesis title: Μελέτη και κατασκευή κινητηρίου συστήματοςυβριδικού οχήματος

10th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2008.

Location: Makedonia Palace, Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: Minos Beniakar

Thesis title: Comparative study of the control techniques of the synchronous reluctance motor

9th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2007.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

8th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2006.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

7th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2005.

Location: National Technical University of Athens

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

6th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2004.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: Charalampos Vasilopoulos, Charalampos Xanthopoulakis

Thesis title: Σχεδίαση και Ανάπτυξη Εκπαιδευτικού Λογισμικού για την Υποστήριξη των Μαθημάτων Μετάδοση Θερμότητας και Εφαρμοσμένη Θερμοδυναμική

5th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2003.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award: Michael Psallidas

Thesis title: Καταγραφή δικτύου μέσης τάσης με σύστημα γεωγραφικών πληροφοριών (GIS)

4th Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 2002.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award:

Thesis title:

3rd Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, November 2000.

Location: University of Patras

First Prize Award: Vasileios Kapaklis

Thesis title: Μελέτη και κατασκευή διάταξης μετρήσεων της ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας και της μαγνητικής επιδεκτικότητας υπεραγώγιμων  υλικών μέχρι θερμοκρασιών υγρού ηλίου

2nd Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, March 2000.

Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

First Prize Award: Pantelis Biskas

Thesis title: Τιμολόγηση υπηρεσιών μεταφοράς ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας στο ελληνικό ηλεκτρικό δίκτυο

1st Workshop on Power Engineering Dissertations, 1999.

Location: National Technical University of Athens

First Prize Award: Matina Efstathiou, Andreas Tsigkris

Thesis title: