
Best MSc and PhD theses 2023 Ceremony

Nikas Vaaras, Alberto Brihuega and Ari Visa
The IEEE Finland SP/CAS has announced the winners of best theses in the field of Signal Processing and Circuits and Systems in 2023. Alberto Brihuega Garcia from Tampere University was awarded for the best PhD Thesis and Niklas Vaara …

Paper award ceremony 2022

The paper awards were handed out today in our meeting. Annamaria Mesaros came in person to receive her recognition award. Congratulations Annamaria Mesaros, Zitong Zu, and Andreas Hauptmann for your work!
Paper award ceremony 2022 – Annamaria Mesaros
The first prize was awarded to Annamaria Mesaros for …

Acknowledgment – Jakob Hoydis

The IEEE Finland Jt. Chapter SP01/CAS04 like to acknowledge the participation of the Signal Processing Society (SPS) distinguished industry speaker program (DISP): Dr.-Ing. Jakob Hoydis on the Workshop on Signal Processing and Circuits and Systems organized on October 05th of 2022. This event was organized …

Paper Award 2021

The board committee is organizing the 2021 SP/CAS Paper Award to promote the membership and networking on this IEEE Technical Chapter.

First Place: 600 EUR
Second Place: 300 EUR
Third Place: 150 EUR

Other information:
More details will be published soon.