Join the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Chapter of IEEE Croatia

Network of Croatia's engineering professionals and students

View our Recent Event

First Joint AP/MTT/EMC Distinguished Lecturer Workshop, April 12, 2024, Zagreb, Croatia

The Antennas and Propagation Chapter of the Croatian IEEE Section consists of about 29 members including students, faculty, and professionals in the closely related fields of antenna design, wave propagation, microwave technology, and electromagnetics compatibility, nationwide. Our chapter regularly organizes high quality technical meetings to our members and non-members alike. Variety of topics have been covered over the years, pertaining to antenna design, numerical techniques, novel materials, bioelectromagnetics, or propagation modeling, to mention a few. In 2024, we organized the first joint technical meeting of IEEE sister societies of AP-S, MTT-S, and EMC-S, bringing five distinguished lecturers and the AP-S President togehter within a 1-day event.

About IEEE and AP-S

What is IEEE?

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.


What is the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society?

The mission of IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society (AP-S) is to be the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on the design of antennas and closely related radio-frequency and microwave circuits, research and develop new methods and create models for electromagnetic wave propagation and the analysis and design of RF and microwave circuits for the advancement of world technology and society and to be the preferred professional development source of its members.

In the year 2024, IEEE AP-S celectrates its 75th birthday! It is one of the oldest and most influential IEEE societies and continues to be a credible professional reference and provide valuable resources for the proffesionals and students.