IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E,” is the world’s largest technical professional association with a membership that has long been composed of engineers, scientists, and allied professionals. These include computer scientists, software developers, information technology professionals, physicists, medical doctors, and many others in addition to IEEE’s electrical and electronics engineering core.

IEEE’s roots go back to 1884 when electricity began to become a major influence in society. There was one major established electrical industry, the telegraph, which since the 1840s had come to connect the world with a data communications system faster than the speed of transportation. The telephone and electric power and light industries were in their infancy.

In the spring of 1884, a small group of individuals in the electrical professions met in New York and formed a new organization to support professionals the field and to aid them in their efforts to apply innovation for the betterment of humanity and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers AIEE) was born. That October, the AIEE held its first technical meeting in Philadelphia.

Over the subsequent decades IEEE’s activities and the results of those activities have continued to spread across the world and reach into more and more areas of people’s lives.  Today IEEE serves its members and their interests with 39 Societies; 130 journals, transactions, and magazines, more than 300 conferences annually and 900 active standards. It has over 430,000 members in 160 countries and through its global network of geographical units, publications, web services, and conferences, remains the world’s largest technical professional association.

The Bahrain Section of IEEE was founded on the 23rd June 2001 by Prof. Isa Qamber with a  petition of 50 members. The section has had many major conferences, exhibitions, activities and achievements. Some of which are mentioned below.

Name of event/activities/ achievements Date Location
11th IEEE GCC Conference TBD TBD
Dr. Hanan Al-Buflasa, SIGHT chair designed a humanitarian project to be implemented with Sudan subsection at Sudan on 2019 but unfortunately was stopped due to the pandemic of COVID-19 2019 Sudan
10th IEEE GCC Conference 19-21 April 2019 Kuwait
Dr. Adel Abdulla declared Yamen subsection formation in Region 8 meeting at Belgrade 2018. 2018.


9th IEEE GCC Conference, 6-9 May 2017 Bahrain
Approval of section registration and a cabinet decree number 2370-08 on 18th July 2016 considering IEEE Bahrain section as local branch of IEEE International applied by Dr. Adel Abdulla 18th July 2016
8th IEEE GCC Conference 1-4 Feb 2015 Sultanate of Oman
7th IEEE GCC Conference17-20 Nov 2013 17-20 Nov 2013 Qatar
First International Conference on Systems Informatics, Modelling and Simulation (SIMS) 19-22 February, 2011 Bahrain
6th IEEE GCC Conference 19-22 Feb 2011 UAE
IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2010) 18 – 22 Dec, 2010 Bahrain
5th IEEE GCC Conference 17-18 March 2009 Kuwait
Formation of WiE affinity group SH. Dr. Eshaa Al-Khalifa 28th November 2008 Bahrain
4th IEEE-GCC Conference & Exhibition 11-16 November, 2007


3rd IEEE GCC Conference 20-22 March, 2006 Bahrain
International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks (ISWSN) 25 – 27 April, 2005 Bahrain
2nd  IEEE GCC Conference 23-24 Nov, 2004 Bahrain
1st  IEEE GCC Conference 13-14 May, 2003 Bahrain


Section participates annually at least in one region 8 meeting and a congress meeting each 3 years.